Sunday, October 18, 2020

Winter seems to be here, brr cold

I thought I heard H whine at 1, jumped out of bed checked on her fast asleep only to find it was my room mate whine snoring!! Again I popped out of bed and checked her at 6 as I heard her shake her head and moving around but she was not wanting out. She is not a fan of the cold it seems LOL However at 7:15 she was indeed ready but only out for the needed time and around to the garage door waiting for breakfast.

I hit the coffee pot as we went by before 8, H to her kennel wanting her Kong and me to get some marketing underway. I served the sleeping prince his coffee in bed then back to my computer work. It lightly snowed a bit this am. Shaina was up after 10 making a cappuccino and working on her stuff. I made a big hot pot of potato bacon soup for lunch, yummy. 

S held down big brown for the afternoon, I staged the nightstand, wrote ad and posted all over. S ran over to Stout's to grab a hay net to try and drop boxes Shaina had gotten her. Once back he pondered how he was going to place the bale. I cajoled Shaina to walk with Harley and I and we headed out when he went out to give it a go. The horses checked it out but went back to the snow covered hay field.

Harley's left eye seems to be a bit worse as of late. photos sent to vet to see

Grandy sent his ski suit for the girls to wear to keep warm at the ranch

Supper was enjoyed then Shaina was off to town to get some groceries to fit her healthy habits. She passed B on her way out who was coming to do her usual Bird feeding and Cooper pooping. S hit big brown with his tablet. I went out to supervise Harley and Cooper playing with the ball as H does not listen to B and tries to steal the horse food. B and I also went to play with the kitties and set up a few more bed areas.

B was heading home before 7 and I came back in to finish up a few marketing items. I then enjoyed a soak in the tub with Back to Earth. S enjoyed a soak to then moved to bed with his tablet and Ozark. I made us all a smoothie inc one for Shaina who was back after her 8 with her groceries and having worked out. Harley finally barked at an actual vehicle not distance noise so I took her out to pee then put to bed. I crawled in to bed with my tablet then for the night.

S submitted this photo of the pit progress from a few days back

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