Saturday, October 24, 2020

Super sunny snow play day

Another snow covered day underway by 7:30. We even have little drifts on the sidewalks. Marketing and caps and a Kong snack for the pup.

lots of videos showed nylabone as a chew toy.. only 5 minutes later with H.. nope not for corso's

The horses came in for water after 10 and I noticed Switch was lame. I bundled up and H and I went out to check it out. Nothing was obvious but I picked out ice balls. Then it was off to the kittens to refill everyone's food dishes and water. Inside it was back to computer work with not allot to show as it is all photo organizing and writing.

Harley loves her jolly soccer ball 

Britt and Cooper were out before noon. She got food for Bird while I shoveled the walks. She watched kittens while I got the ranger out of the barn and once poky Bird was done eating we took the hay to the bale to put around it and pull more out seeing they had cleaned up the others. The dogs ran alongside on way there and Harley rode shot gun on the way back.

videos of the joggers

riding shotgun is a better idea H thinks

one of the joggers is now a rider

the tug and toss (B bought for Roo) allows for a team effort in action

After putting the ranger away we came in for a hot bowl of chili. Shaina was updating her website, have you checked it out? A visit of sorts, a bit more nail trimming for the Harley dog then the townies were off after 1:30. Back to marketing for Shaina and I. She recorded a video for her website and in the end found the battery went dead ;( and the same thing happened after her second try.

B had suggested a coat for H seeing Greenhawk has them on for $20. It took us awhile to find her size and decide on colors but in the end she is getting these two and Cooper is getting 2 as well

I cooked up some spaghetti and she tried a couple ore times with a blunder then the 4th time was all good but the card filled just at the end. I am sure it will turn out fine :) She loaded up and was off to the city to stay the night with Emily before 7 as the sun was setting making for a crazy sky. I worked on my computer stuff finishing a tutorial I will post in the morning. I took Harley out at 9 for her evening bathroom break and tucked her in her kennel then headed to bed myself to catch some videos.

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