Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Skid steer demo

It sounded like rain when I first woke after 7 and sure enough it turned to a light snow that covered the gravel areas but melted on all others. The soft flakes only lasted a few hours but kept everything wet. Coffee was served earlier today as S gave it a go to Harley's routine letting her out then feeding her. I put a pork roast in the slow cooker for supper and panned up the sour dough loaf then on to marketing. 

 A salesman dropped off a Brant/John Deere skid steer for S to try out, he also took ours for a short drive to consider for a trade in. Shaina off to town just before it arrived to meet a client and work out. After the fellow left, S and I cut the 4X8' sheet of hardboard lengthwise then into foot squares and one large piece for the back of the dresser. I hauled the pieces to the garage while S took the "new" skid steer for a rip down the road with the grader attachment.

We were just going to have lunch after 1 when the second salesman rolled in to take pictures and chat about his Cat skid steer. Shaina arrived back just after him bringing teas for us, thanks dude. She made a croissant and S made his when he came in from the short meeting. I had had mine earlier just plain. I prepped the oven and the sour dough loaf and put in once hot.

Sheldon took Shaina's jeep to the shop to change oil and I was just going to get started on sanding the tin tiles edges when Britt showed up to do Switch's foot. I brought in Switch while she set up Bird with her food. Unfortunately nothing has still popped which caused B's frustration and S was under the jeep swearing at the drain plug that would not come out.

We finished up Switch's foot, released and back to the house. The loaf came out of the oven to cool. B had picked up a lightbulb for her cars headlight having S install. This was a good break from the drain plug issue but it turned out a bit of a bugger too. Shaina made guacamole for a snack around 4. I took a break from sanding tile edges and setting everything up to do the raised stencil. After the snack I did the tiles and left to dry overnight.

Back inside I prepped veggies to cook for supper to go with the pork roast. Once cooked we enjoyed a most delicious late supper. Shaina was off to her room after going to put J in the shop, S big brown while I scrubbed dishes, made B a to go plate and gave Harley the cooled meat juices. She LOVED this of course. S took the skid steer for a loop around the island after 8 and back in to big brown and his videos.

B was back from supper at Grady's new place (the family farmhouse) at 8:30. I weighed Harley who was 86 lbs. B loaded her plate to go and Cooper and was off for home, Shaina and I headed to bed too where S was already watching youtube skid steer videos but soon fast asleep. I almost finished the Queens Gambit series but not quite.

Today is Mama K's b day, happy cake day!! XOXOXO 

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