Friday, October 2, 2020

Kaylin's big day

Happy birthday to our beautiful charming eldest daughter. It is so hard to believe 29 years have passed this quickly. Here is to so many more happy wish filled years of health wealth and happiness!

S was up around 6:30 showering, making coffee and bombling around in the dark. He was off on his scouting mission to AV and MH at 7:30. I was dressed and out with miss H soon after. We did a loop, playing in the pen then let out J on our way back. Inside I gave her the frozen kong to keep her busy. I did a few quick things on the computer then Candace was up and we had coffee and she toast while more visiting. It is always a chitty chatty catch up for sure.

At 10 she was ready to head home. I put H in her kennel with her breakfast and took the quad ahead of her to open yard gate and close pasture gate as the horses were now in. H and I along with J took a short walk out in the east pasture then she spent some time on the front deck while I gathered things and prepped for the day. First task is a jaunt to town so loaded her up in the merc and off we went. The food boxes were picked up then a quick stop at Britt's to let Cooper out for a pee. Next drive thru Tim's for a pumpkin spice tea and muffin!! then drive thru bank deposit and back to the ranch.

I unloaded the boxes while H waited in her back set then took for a potty stop and onto the deck to soak up more sun. This penned in deck has come in useful again allowing her to get a lay of the ranch on her own while contained. Sharon stopped to grab her box I picked up and we visited on the deck for a bit then I was back to finally catching up on some computer work while H napped on the rug.

Mid afternoon she and I went to the barn and put the kitties up in the mez. I cleaned the litter and set it on the stairs just in case. I had posted a large cabinet for sale so H and I went into the storage trailer and I moved things and shuffled it around myself to the opposite wall for better photographs as have a few interested.

A muffin and some fresh pineapple with coffees and area are not cutting it so I cooked up spaghetti for an early supper by 5. I also cooked the sweet potato from the food box. H spent a bit of time on the deck off and on today that is helping to build the ranch atmosphere as well as working on the "place/bed" command. It is another beauty fall day hitting 25!! A quick walk, kittens brought back to the stall and supper search then back in to vacuum quick and tidy as the navy desk is being picked up after supper.

The couple from AV arrived (I put H in the garage with a chew treat) had a short visit then loaded it up and on their way. I got H and outside we went outside to stretch then back to the trailer to measure said armoire. We were coming out when B rolled in around 7:30. I took dogs to pen then we watched Britt feeding Bird. J was tucked away for the night and they were off letting the horses out on their way home. She had planned to leave Cooper for the night and got to Kaylin's birthday party but was too tired after her week and day of work.

After a loop we came in and H curled up in kennel while I did computer. I tried rousting her for a walk around 9 but nope she was good so I left her in the office kennel and crawled into bed. I watched a bit of YouTube but had to shut it down not long after. Hope your birthday party is going well miss Kaylin! XOXO

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