Monday, October 26, 2020

Above zero kinda day

I opened the kennel door after 8 but again H relaxed for about 5 minutes or more while I got started on Monday's marketing. 

Another task I want to complete today is defrost and clean out the deep freeze. I started with removing all the freezer packs and posting on the free site. All the food in the freezer fit  now in the top of the fridge freezer except the pork box from Matt which I put outside in a safe spot. I threw a roast in the slow cooker for supper too while I was at it.

Shaina was up for her 10 am online yoga class. I took her a cup of coffee to keep her energized. I organized returns to take tomorrow to Airdrie along with the tote that sold last week. I finally got a chance to look at my good camera photos from the other day. They are so fun, these two have a blast.

I continued working on the freezer in bits as it melts. After a quick salad I convinced Shaina to join Harley and I on a walk as it was now plus 1 outside. We stopped to get J first and check on the kittens. Thirsty kitties had zero water so good thing I took a jug. We pulled more tufts of hay out of the slow feeder but I did notice Pepper was there for an hour or longer this am so think he might be getting the hang of it. Shaina even said she was getting hot walking and cut it short. Back at the house S went in to eat and do computer work. I boxed up the pile of ice packs I had and moved outside for a lady to pick up later. It was also a good time to pick poop quick before it all got soft.

bandage holding very well in the snow

Seeing it was so nice out I decided to run to town and grab a sheet of hardboard I need for my faux tin tile Etsy order. I gave H her Kong in kennel and off I went. A quick stop at the $ store was a bust then a drive thru deposit then to grab the hardboard. A friendly guy in the parking lot helped me load it as it is 8'X4' and kinda like a kite. Thanks Mr Stranger! I even managed to strap it down. A quick drive thru Tims to grab a tea for Shaina and I then southbound. I stopped at mail but was a waste of time there. I had called Shaina as I came thru gate to help me unload the board in the barn seeing all the saws are there, thanks dude!

Then it was back to the freezer for a bit more and onto computer work. The sun popped out at 3 and was now PLUS 4 and melting all over. I continued working on computer work before finishing up the freezer. Once it was all defrosted and dried out, I turned it on and brought in the pork and got it in. I will move the rest once it is good and cold and maybe after we bring Costco back tomorrow.

Veggies were prepped to roast to go with the actual roast then tossed in to cook. The lady taking the freezer packs arrived before 6 picking up my dog food parcel left at the gate. What a kind lady as she was older and there were 2 15 KG bags in the box! I loaded the parcel in while she bagged up the packs and was off. 

trying a slow feeder

Time to eat the scrumptious supper. Shaina had to take a client call before finishing. Britt and Cooper arrived before 7:30 to have a plate full of yum. We then headed out to treat Switch's foot while Bird ate her food. The pups played with the ball and watched the cats. Britt removed the poultice and found some smelly gunk but not sure of where it came from. Switch enjoyed her food while her foot soaked. B inspected it again then repoulticed and wrapped. I put her back in the pen, we hauled out a bale and took the stuff back to the garage.

I had taken Cooper's kennel down and helped B load in the car. Shaina was still on her call when we headed out but had now started her jeep and followed Britt out of the yard to go to the gym. I brought in the quilt I tried awhile back and put in the kennel. H was a big fan and snuggled right in and off to sleep while I worked on catching up on marketing and drawing my giveaway winner. I started a new Netflix series called The Queen's Gambit while doing so then moved to bed before 10 to keep watching. Shaina was home soon after and made popcorn for us. Sheldon was home after 10:30 to join in on some popcorn too.

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