Thursday, September 3, 2020

Skeet shooting afternoon

Another usual start to the day. Once we got things going we ran to town to pick up a desk, drop off the sold tray at Paetz's so Craig could kindly take to Mom's for the customer to pickup, refill the Origin's growler, get fuel and booze as well as Opa for lunch then back to the ranch after 12:30.

We prepped veggies and such for supper and tidied the house to look pretty again. S took out a bale mid field and set up chairs for us ladies. Roxy and Glen arrived after 2 and the merriment began. It was a scorcher out in the high 20's. It did not slow the fellows down in their target shooting. However a odd neighbor did driving along the fence line honking his horn. The fellows stopped for a refreshment and eventually he was off only to return again once they were back to the skeets.

this is a shotgun ;)

It wasn't long after and I had a call on my cell from the RCMP at our gate. It seems the neighbor reported rifle shots at his cows. UHHH pardon?? East of us is a hay field then a canal then perhaps cattle down from that and the gunfire was from shotguns. The officer said that it was all good but he had to check out the report and was soon on his way.

The fellows finished their stack of clay pigeons and 300 rounds of shot in total. Time to get the steak dinner underway. It was most delicious as always. Roxy brought puffed wheat squares for dessert which we enjoyed on the deck in the golden hour. Britt and her troupe arrived to feed her horses. I popped out and caught Switch and mixed up her herbs and traded a B a puffed wheat square to watch her finish and put back in the paddock. She popped up for a quick hello and was off for home. Glen and Roxy were off just before 9. What a great day catching up with these 2.

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