Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Mr Jenkins moves back to the ranch for a night

The cold symptoms increase as coughing thru the night and other sinus filled upon waking. It was a good thing S hunkered down in the other king bed. I was up and marketing with a couple caps. The last one was after retrieving the sheets off my garden. It did not freeze last night but it did hit 1 above. Looks like another cool fall day out there. S woke and came up to make his coffee just before 11:30. 

We ate a hot bowl of soup and caught a bit of the news. Once my laundry load was in the dryer and the dishwasher had ran thru we headed off to our Covid testing appointment in the city. We stopped and opened the winter pasture gate on the way by and were on the road at 12:30. We took a detour thru Langdon to grab a hot beverage at Tim's then off to our appointment. The drive thru was at the south end and took about 25 minutes to get thru the line and 6 minutes to get checked in & swabbed.

Our next stop was a detour to Okotoks to meet a guy and get a new circuit board for our gate that has been acting up. It was an easy curbside drive by purchase. Then we headed back to the ranch arriving back at 3:30. I tried to rest and watch a Trinkets episode but I can't lay around during the day. Once it was done I went out and put another coat of stain on the custom end table. S had no problem relaxing in big brown.

Britt dropped J off while we were gone as he had a bad night last night yowling and totally upset for 6 hours. She was back out at 4:30 after her chiro. We tacked up and went for a leisurely ride around the hay field while S came up with a wood door block for the cat in/out and we will lock him in the shop at night. He also tightened all the gates while he was out and about.

B was off for home with just Cooper after 6. We came in for supper; I hopped in the shower while S cooked spaghetti. After eating he was off to TV room for hockey and I crawled into bed around 8:30 after finishing marketing and tutorials. S ran out and locked J in the shop before dark which is now around 8:30. I finished Trinkets season as well as Good Girls season 3.

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