Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Crate complete

Oh the sunrises I am seeing with this new puppy, today's was spectacular yet again. H and I did our usual morning loop, a bit of free time in the round pen, breakfast search in the grass then went to let J out. Back at the front door S met me with a coffee in his gonch, thanks. I did a quick update while H chewed on her bone and rested on bed. S was off for a teeth cleaning booked at 10. The wind picked up and it was quite cool at 10.

To the garage for some tug- drop it training then off for a long walk; to lock in the horses and loop back and around to the east. J followed along for it all then when back at the house deck for water I watched him scouting a mouse from up on a rail, pounce then bring it out to bat around on the grass. He was bringing it towards me so H and I came inside and when I looked back he had ate it. Think he was proving his mousing skills. ;)

Now to get the crate finished. I prepped my new silicone stamps then figured out how to use them and stamp fresh produce around the crate. Part way thru I took H and J for a walk to open the pasture gate. Right after I finished stamping the crate I scrubbed them up, dried and put back on the sheet. I chose poly to seal the crate and was just finishing as S pulled in just after 12 with Chinese food for lunch. Miss H napped on her garage mattress after our long walk and continued to keep sleeping from about 11 to after 1 when I went out after adding to blog. S hit big brown after his food and was napping too. The sun burned thru around 12:30 and it turned into a beauty day hitting 14.

In the garage I dark waxed the crate.. done! H and I were out for a walk when B & C arrived. Dogs got their play time then we tacked up the horses, S joined us too. Before I tacked up I took the kittens upstairs to play while we rode. They had loads of fun as we heard them running around when we were back. Our ride took us south with a quick visit with Sharon then back north, along our trees and back to the ranch.

S let Pepper go and off to the deck for glass of water. I untacked, brushed, wrangled the kittens back to their stall, let Switch out after B applied hoof oil then went and got Harley. B brushed oiled then caught Bird to feed. Of course the pups wanted a play but Cooper has learned to duck out under the fence as part of the play which is good to bring the rough housing down but bad as she thinks maybe she might fit. I took her to the deck for S to hold while I hauled out the puppy pens and closed off the deck again. Cooper tried to play in here but the beast is too rough and his speed gets him no where.

He and B were off for home at 4. I put away some deck decor to prevent breakage then tried to catch up a few computer things and stage a few pictures of the new crate. 

H wanted to nap on her garage mattress so I let her. I checked quite a few times but the last time I found she had gotten into my stack of almost gone paint cans, new paint cans and she found wax brushes. One handle was chewed all up and the small cans crumpled. One new can had holes and paint dripping. UGH! Into her kennel while I cleaned up then I took her for a walk and fed her outside putting her in the kennel just before Sharon picked me up before 6. She dropped off a round table to the stock pile while purging their sea can, thanks S.

We set off for town to meet Coreena to catch up as we missed all birthday lunches this year with covid. We had 3 hours of catch up and Sharon dropping me back home just after 9. I took Harley out for a walk and had her tucked into garage kennel after 9:30 then headed in to crawl into bed and catch some tablet time. S was in bed watching TV having had a relaxing evening hanging with H.

Today is Vance's 17th bday, happy cake day!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

New toys delivered

I woke early and was clock watching but then fell asleep only to wake startled at 7:45. That is the latest I have slept in in almost 3 weeks. I pulled on sweats and a coat and out to walk Miss H. It was another beauty start to the day, will the wind blow in? Breakfast was long line search on the grass after we had did our initial potty loop/J let out and feed the kittens.

S picked up mail on way home last night and this parcel was in it, new sanding sponges!

Inside she got her frozen food toy while I charged up the coffee pot and put the dough in the 2nd proof bowl. Our Amazon toy parcel is on its way and seeing the horses had came in for water I ran to the gate and locked them up. S was now up and was shown some of the new commands then he sat on the deck with her and J while I did accounting seeing he picked up the stack of bills on way home last night.

The parcel was delivered and the new tug rope was a hit as was the Kong feeder. S enjoyed relaxing in big brown perusing the net while I ran out and cleaned kitty litter and took them up to the bales. They loved it. Pictures were near impossible as they were on the move.

look at these cuties climbing the stairs video above a S playing tug below

An early lunch of chili then the news. I heated the oven to cook the sour dough before we left finishing it up with a bit of time to spare. S loaded the trash in the car and I Harley and we were off before 2 swinging by the dump then to the vet clinic. Here we picked up dewormer and had Harley weighed. She came in at 36.9 Kg (81+ pounds). We arrived early for lessons at 2:15 with the trainer not making it till 2:30 but it was a nice sunny day to wait.

Lessons went well refreshing the walk-sit-down with varying speed, learning to weave and about turns and ending with fun hurdles and the A frame. H loved the fun part. S sent some texts and had a nap when we loaded up in the car after 3. Off to town to grab an ice cap, drop plastics off at recycling and a stop at Walmart to grab milk and kitten food.

Back at the ranch things were brought in and a quick potty break. I tried a frozen toy (and rustled the dewormer pill into her) but H wanted more so she and I walked to the pasture gate and opened for the horses and closed the yard gate. S napped and surfed the net; it is Tuesday. H finally napped for a bit while I caught up a bit of computer work then onto making supper. She struggled with staying on her bed but finally stuck it while we ate after I fed her first.

Another walk then to the garage to play tug and ball for a bit then inside. Britt and Cooper were by at 7:30 so it was big excitement to go to the play pen. J even tried to join in for a bit LOL. B put him in the barn then she and Coop were off. Back to the garage I checked her itchy ears cleaning them and checked her rashy tummy. I hope it is just grass reaction and the dewormer works for itchs.

She and I came in and she quickly napped on the cushion while I finally caught up the blog while watching YouTube cane corso. S spent the evening in the TV room watching USA debates then headed to bed and asleep before 9. I had to really roust H to go out for her last potty loop then tucked her in for the night in the garage. It was time for me to crawl into bed and continue a few more training/corso raw diet videos till almost 11 with headphones.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Wind so many days in a row

Overcast day but no wind so it is a win. The breakfast search in the grass following a quick potty break was a bit more successful today. Then it was off to let J out and do some kitty conditioning with him and the babies. Inside by 8 to frozen food puzzle for her and couple caps for me. Arrangements for the chair delivery did not goes as planned hoping for tomorrow seeing we have puppy classes that way but will have to figure something out. She hoped for Friday but that is Kaylin's birthday! What, October already??

Back out on the long line for water, more Jenkins exposure, grass time and some long line sniffing... until she found a nest of dead mice and wanted to roll in it! In the garage I repaired the old crate and painted it the creamy milk paint I used on the drum table while H continued to drop the ball or tug at my feet.

In for a bowl of kale salad (this salad seems to be lasting forever) I tried place but no luck so it was kennel time for a nap while I did some work. Britt and Cooper came out to visit after 1 having taken today off. Harley showed her tricks and after a cappuccino we took the dogs for a walk. While we had the cap H waited in the garage but when we went out, I found she had started to pull the stuffing out of the comfy new quilt I put in last night; just like they warned she could not have stuffies or blankets. The wind had rolled in before lunch and so blustery but warm at least hitting 24. The Fedex guy was delivering the dog food to my doorstep as we were heading out so I opened the yard gate. Now that is service with the order going in on Friday.

We walked to the gate and tried to shut it as it has not been fully closing in this wind as of late but no luck. We felt the space is not enough for a horse to fit thru so left it and continued around the west and south side and back to the shop. The dogs and I waited in the cool grass while B tried to call around the bales for the mystery cat I saw last night; nothing. Then the dogs got some free time in the round pen then to the deck for water. B sat with them while I refilled the water and got J's bucket and refilled and took back to barn.

H went to the garage again to relax as much cooler and we went in to have a bowl of chili for an early supper at 4 and watch Ellen. B and Cooper then hit the couch for a nap. I rousted her after 6 when I was taking H out for a walk and found Roo pacing the fence line while the other horses were in the paddock. She went and caught her and put in paddock then fed Bird and played with kittens for a bit. I took the dogs to the play pen then H and I watched horses for awhile and walked the yard before coming inside. B and C headed home after 7.

While H rested in office kennel I took a shower then worked on the blog while she she paced a bit then slept on the big cushion. She did not even want to move at 9 to go outside the big lug. She changed her mind when I started to put the tablet in my room and prep for bed. We stepped out on the deck only to have the horses blast by us. She calmly stood and watched as I called B to ask had she not shut yard gate which was a "no, I thought Dad was coming home". They raced back towards the gate and again she just watched. I took her back inside and headed to the gate in my short housecoat to shut it. My phone light to guide me in the dark I could not see if they went out for sure but turned to find Pepper picking up the rear still in the yard. I shooed him out and they were just on the other side of the fence waiting. Gate up I went back and got H for her potty loop and off to bed in the garage kennel. I quickly mixed up the sour dough loaf for Prince then crawled into bed and watched MORE training videos till S rolled in just before 11 and lights out.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Long line and some loose time for H

Apparently bird season starts at 7 am! Beauty morning, no wind and sunshine on our first outing by 7:30. Wanting to get my dog toy order in we tried B's jolly ball for Roo and man did she love it. I am ordering a smaller soccer ball that she is going to love too. We let J out while at the barn.

watch how much fun she had with the jolly ball

Remember the violet leaves I planted on May 1st? FINALLY we have a baby plant almost 5 months later!

Today we tried part of her breakfast in the bowl with a sit and wait. It takes her seconds to eat. Inside for my computer work she got her frozen qwizel. Seeing it was so nice I put her on her long line and went and did gardening. She did great with J and hanging around as I pruned and plucked. We took the glass ball inside and I got busy smooth/distress sanding the chairs. H played and eventually had a nap on her mattress. 

I even went in at noon for toast and she kept sleeping. Britt and Cooper arrived about then and she still slept on. I went out to see what B was doing; trimming Bird and she was still on the mattress when I got back. I rousted her to go play with Cooper in the arena then in the round pen. Britt fed Bird outside and we hung out around the horses doing ok, not as good as cat progress.

Inside working on computer and H resting in her kennel, Britt brought Cooper in asking me to watch him while she went to the city to have Kaylin sugar her. She was off before 1:30. Cooper was anxious she was gone and paced so I let him out then in then out and finally I decided to take them both for a walk. This worked out pretty good seeing Coop walks well on a leash.

 I gave them play time in the round pen then back inside. This time Cooper wanted in the kennel as his usual routine but he was not as excited to chew an antler like H on the mat so tried them both in the garage which was not what Cooper wanted. He is always nervous in there and his speed cannot be used so out he went and H napped on her mattress. I took her out around 4:30 to pee and play in round pen then hang out on the long line. B arrived back from the city and picked up Cooper and headed home.

watch these two :)

I tied H to the door as she was tuckered then cut my cross pollinated squash/zucchini and brought in the carrots to wash I picked this am. She did great waiting as cooler out there. Inside she wanted in the garage and stood by food bag so we did 1 cup of food and she napped on her mattress for a couple hours. I kept checking as I cooked chili and she was all snuggled up every time.

While the chili cooked I hauled in the chairs and snapped a few pics. Laundry I have been doing last few days was folded and put away, the floor finally vacuumed and other house keeping chores. A few more training videos while I ate my bowl and did some blog writing. Just before 7 I rousted H to come with me to take a couple toys to the kitties. After checking J's food too I went out to get him calling as I went. As I came out the shop door I saw a big black cat with white bib on the bale stack but it quickly ducked down. H did her #2 duty and I shuffled her back to the garage and hurried back out.

J came as I called but no black cat. I scooped poop with him quick and put him in for the night then jumped up on the bales to look between. No luck. If only Harley would have saw to confirm my vision. Now that the cats were in the shop and horses far east I let H out with me to cover the zucchinis as now there is a frost advisory. She stuck by me for a bit then realized she was free. She did trot to the horse gate and not keen to come even for a liver treat but I walked closer and she did. Then she trotted along sniffing and coming for a few before I put her in the garage. Again she hunkered down on the mattress and did not want to come in to house while I caught up todays blog. I again checked as I took out recycling and still on the comfy spot. I caught up on a bit of computer work then took her for last walk of the day and to bed for both of us. Of course I had to watch some YouTube before shutting lights out.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

High 5!

The wind continued thru the night but has finally ended upon waking!! And the sunrise was a beauty. H and I took the potty loop after I snapped a few photos and as we did the herd of deer crossed. The other morning Roo being the inquisitive one went to check them out then her and Switch moved them along. Perhaps they were channeling Lola, Harley again never scented them either time. 

above are with camera and below iphone

In the garage we worked on basic commands with some of the food then took the container and long line outside to let J out. While doing so it seems the container spilt which made the breakfast hunt now on the barn floor. This allowed for me to go fill J's dish and clean the kitten litter box. Back outside she was on long line chasing J when she could while I picked zucchini. Inside for a cap and H to try her frozen food in the qwizel which was a HUGE hit and allowed me to get some computer work done. I wrote a tutorial for the navy desk with my morning javas and a napping H.

I rousted Shaina with a cappuccino before 11 and went and painted one of the chair bases. She joined H and I for a walk around 11:30. We tried her first off leash open pasture but it did not go so well so back to the structured walk. Along the road she is super good so we walked to close the pasture gate locking horses in then back to the garage to practice some commands and learn a new trick "high 5". She picked that up super fast.

 first off leash in the pasture video

We came in for kale salad lunch with a bit on quinoa added, def not the usual lunch for bulking up Shaina. She got busy working on her website and I started painting a chair while we waited for Britt to join us for a ride. When she arrived around 1, H and I were out for a poop loop so the dogs got a playtime before the ride. H stayed in garage kennel and Cooper came along. The wind picked up around noon sadly but it was still sunny but once we tacked up and hit the trail threatening storm clouds loomed to the north. Nothing though as they circled east.

When we got back Britt pulled out her new massager and tried on the horses. I went and got H from garage for another play and horse exposure. S had let KD go right away and back to her website work. 

watching Britt under Cooper's belly :)

Auntie Mindy's aster are starting to bloom now it is cool

arley went to the garage to rest and I to update a few things. B and C were headed home at 3:30. Shaina was loaded up around 4:30 to head to the city for a housewarming then sleep over at Kaylin's but first she came out to video tape the new trick H has mastered. About 10 drops of rain came down as she was leaving and letting horses out.

be sure you go to the website to see her trick video!

I painted the 4 chairs a second coat finishing after 6. H was cute checking my pieces and standing beside me hoping for pets and treats but did go have a nap on the mattress. We did food for commands and tricks then looped around the house for bathroom break and inside so I could eat. I have nothing in the fridge so opted for 3 scrambled eggs with cheese and a nut bar washed down with a cold beer. Training videos and computer work, a soak in the tub then a final loop before 9 and we both went to bed. I turned the tablet off at 9:30!!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Coffee table sells

Still windy and 6 when I took H for her walk at 7:30. There was sun at least which J was happy to scoot out into. H really wanted to play when he zips by. Back inside I did some work on place (I brought the cushion in), take it and leave it commands. Place is not sticking sadly as it is the one I want if she is to be inside. Practice I guess. Cappuccino and a bit of computer then back out to try scatter food in the grass on a long line. I opened the yard wire then she and I walked to the gate to lock the horses in then back to finish food. 

I worked on the blog when Shaina text for a cappuccino before she went to train Sharon at 11 and I did as she bid then she was off. Kaylin and her doggie duo arrived around 11:30. After hauling in her stuff we took the dogs to the round pen but Theo was still not a fan even with no toys and Devon not there. Lexi gave her a quick play though :). Off to the house to make tuna sandwiches. Shaina joined for hers after finishing her training.

play videos

Kaylin sugared my eyebrows and armpits and was finishing up when Sharon arrived for her first time getting sugared. Sharon was off and it was Shaina's turn. Kaylin then dyed our eye brows, what a handy beauty gal to have THANK YOU!!

Kaylin packed up including the dogs and was off around 2:30. Shaina and I took Harley for her first long line walk around the east pasture seeing horses were locked up. She loved it. Back at the garage to show Shaina her commands learned so far and worked on a new one "drop it" and "bang"  then inside for a rest while we tried to do some computer work with a warm cappuccino on the side. 

Accounting then time to prep supper. It was sooooo good. Shaina brought and made roasted Brussel sprouts to go with my salmon, quinoa and sautéed zucchini. We then hauled up the teal coffee table seeing I had a gal enquire about it this am and replied with request to see it tonight. They arrived after 7 and it was sold in a few minutes. EMT loaded and they were off, yeah!


Britt and Cooper arrived just after they did and started to feed Bird. Harley was stoked to play with Cooper. They even had 2 rounds in the pen with breaks even. What a gorgeous night, the sky was amazing. B & S played with the kittens for a bit. As I was filling the water bucket Shaina was holding her but the two took off and raced around the tree area having a good old time but soon were brought back to order. Coop and B were off for home and 3 of us came in. I made a cocktail for S and I who are each doing our computer work and H napping. Shaina headed down to soak in the tub before 10 and again I am late for taking H out but she would not budge from the office kennel after her busy day so I left her. In bed I watched more training videos, Youtube has the answer to anything and 1000's of versions!