Thursday, August 13, 2020

Spray painter cracked open

I had the muzzles off before 8 today and a cappuccino in hand to do a bit of marketing soon after. A second one was soon after then I delivered one to Shaina in bed at 10 to shut the machine off. I have decided to sell this roll top desk and replace it with the buffet I have yet to refinish. Photos were needed to post.

Once up Shaina was on her laptop. I gave the table another clear coat but did a touch up that caused a mark.. ugh. Another coat will be later today. I moved the vanity back and did a video in hopes of increasing sales. I was going to have her help me move it downstairs but got sidetracked removing the old material from the seat. As I was doing so the cash register bell rang with an Etsy sale. This time it was the strawberry crate. I got to work finding a box, bundling it all up and getting the shipping label done and printed. Just in case Shaina might be going thru town but she headed west to the city to go floating just after 12. 

The primed chairs were sanded and I rehooked up the sprayer and started spraying 2 with the same paint as the table base. It was not working well either so I hand painted another chair before coming in for a cool drink. Back out I sprayed the last 3 chairs and see what happens.

A paint parcel that has been bounced around finally was delivered so I took the ranger to the gate seeing the weather was a bit threatening and I had no dog to walk. It even had some new milk paint to try.

Seeing I was out I watered the front pots and garden and picked peas. It seems they are mostly over ripe, rats. Inside I cooked supper. I have not been eating as well as I should unless I have someone to cook for but tonight I decided to make meat sauce to go with my fresh garden zucchini. It was yummy. 

The wall organizer tutorial was published as I had it written up last week. As per usual it was  sent to paint brand and shared on some pages to get exposure. It was such a beautiful night out. I went and set timer on back flower bed a few times. I was catching Switch when Britt and Cooper stopped out after 7 and took her to the round pen for a short work out. She had her herbs and a brush while Britt fed Bird then brought Roo in to get her new food and a brush. Switch's muzzle was put on then released. B and I walked out to the herd, she sprayed bug spray and I put KD's muzzle on then B & C were off for home. Rats I forgot to send the Etsy parcel with them. I was enjoying a cold drink when I saw 5 deer moving along the fence line… well the horses saw them and I followed their eyes. 

Inside I worked on more tutorials, and blog posts then hit the tub to soak while watching Selling Sunset. I finished the season in the big comfy bed. The days are getting shorter but still nice to have light till around 9. I started a new Netflix series Shaina suggested called Good Girls.

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