Sunday, August 2, 2020

Birthday boy

The coffee maker went off as the birthday alarm. I popped the bran muffins in the oven after going out and taking off the muzzles which Switch had mastered to get off.

S was given his birthday gift: pepper spitz, turtles and this super unique 1964 50 cent piece ring!

I had to get busy marketing seeing I have a giveaway on the go and wanted to put the vanity on sale. I also am way behind on the blog seeing we have been so busy the last 3 days. It is going to be another roaster as 25 already after 10.

S enjoyed his birthday morning relaxing in big brown after his yummy breakfast surfing the net and answering birthday wishes.

Britt and Cooper arrived right on 2 pm as I mentioned we would be leaving at bringing ice coffees, THANK YOU!! We got all loaded up and were on the road before 3 heading to Mackinnon Flats; birthday destination. When we pulled over the ridge and saw the masses of cars we were concerned it might be tooooooooo busy but low and behold we got a spot right near the beach someone had just vacated. Kaylin, Shaina and Devon arrived not long after and we set up camp for the afternoon which entailed high ground and water front areas. It was a lovely afternoon of sun and family visiting.

We loaded everything up around 7:30 B kindly drove us home. Back at the ranch everything was unloaded and set out to dry and S was off to the TV room to watch hockey. B rode Bird while I watered the garden then she and I trimmed Pepper.

After she and Cooper headed home I did a bit of computer catch up then started a Grey's anatomy in bed. S came up after the game ended and we started another Yellowstone but had to shut it down as he fell asleep in short order. Pretty good birthday I say with beach, beers, hockey and bed.

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