Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A few more dog photos

We had our morning catch up early around 7:30 with coffee in bed. I whipped up some pizza dough with the sour dough starter I fed last night then fed it again. The hail adjuster finally arrived to look at the cargo trailer. Then S pulled out the swather and prepped and loaded it to go swath his custom job later today. I watered the garden and did a bit of work in the island that had been left since that tragic Saturday 2 weeks ago. It seems so long ago in some ways but still so sad.

B sent this photo of J checking out his new backyard this am

Lexi hoping I continue to share fresh carrots

and enjoying the pool life

S was off at 1:30 to swath his custom job north of us. I painted a second coat of milk paint on the table and when dry sanded and put a 3rd coat on the tops. I searched thru all my wood and finally found a piece that would work for Aislyn's broke chair seat. I measured and cut using a couple of the big power saws, drilled out broke dowels, sanded and put it all back together just like new, yeah me!!

the white laminated chip board is the broken seat and under is most of my wood pieces.. all too thick

drilling out a snapped off dowel

I found the exact thickness in the very last pile of wood pieces

so proud of myself!! I hope they like it!

B was out at 3 dropping of Cooper and J and decided at 25 full sun it was too hot to ride so back to town to get groceries leaving her "children" to play. A fellow dropped off a load of sod/top soil at the pit. S was back from his swathing mission around 3:30. We enjoyed a couple of beers on the deck in the sunshine.

I love how the dogs think it is a rug on the deck

Back inside to the A/C I prepped the pizza for supper along with a butternut squash. Rob a former coworker of S's dropped off parts for his baler from High River. He still works at Cavalier and drives to and from so it was nice of him. He stayed for a visit then off to his shift at 6. We ate with Britt arriving back at 6:30 with a new ball for Cooper. She had pizza then she and I went to ride. She did her thing and I did mine taking a loop around the perimeter before herbs and release. We opened all the south paddocks for them to graze the minuscule grass that is left, sooo dry. Sheldon stayed in big brown to watch hockey and look at his new baler parts.

B then caught Bird to feed and Pepper who had another nosebleed which is of concern to her. She took his vitals and we will watch him. I put a coat of hemp oil on the table then back out to water the back bed. B loaded up her "children" and headed home. We watched 3 episodes of Yellowstone for our evening entertainment starting at 9 when it is now dark. Thunder and lightening were going but no rain ever became of it sadly.

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