Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sick day

OH MY, what a night. I woke around 4 am feeling nauseous which eventually came to fruition. Over 12 times in fact and adding diarrhea after first 2 episodes. This made for a very long night of up and down and no sleep. Finally around 9 I think I fell asleep only to wake at noon as Shaina was just rousting. She kindly brought me a glass of water for my parched throat and achy body. 

It was a pretty chill relaxed day but it was a warm one hitting 27. I worked on waxing the white pieces while she did computer work. I tried to have a nap a bit later but no luck but at least I was feeling a bit better. The white pieces were completed and staged.

before dark wax and after 

S was off to train Sharon in person for 5 but not back till about 7 as she borrowed a tent to camp this w/e and had a test run to be sure all parts were there. I was making a creamed chicken dinner with Shaina making the mashed potatoes. Britt joined us for supper too.

She fed Bird then was off to town to get groceries before meeting Shaina at the gym to video her. Shaina and I caught the horses and went for a nice ride. The fresh air was nice however my tummy still rumbled and Shaina had 2 bouts of tummy troubles just as we were leaving but was then good. Once we untacked she was off to town to do some videos and get a snojo of course. I worked on getting the new items put on Etsy for sale.

Switch watching KD burn off some steam

I had a nice relaxing shower and crawled into bed watching some Netflix. I was again listening to my Headspace sleep stories when she returned after 11.

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