Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hottest day of the year so far

We were up and coffee on before 8 enjoying a couple cups in bed catching up. Lola did great overnight, I did have to check a few times just to make sure not overworking her leg. I then got dressed in my hot jeans to go ride. Today is to be even hotter then yesterdays 28 so I wanted to ride early. S ate his cereal on the deck as it is a beauty day. Before I caught Switch I defolliaged my zucchini after a reminder YouTube video to get them more air and pollination.

Switch and I had a good over half our work out. S raked the paddock and ditch quick before he set off to town for his 11 am massage. Low and behold he found our Good Food delivery at the gate from yesterday!!!! Dam FedEx, the usual driver always has it at my door. Fingers crossed the mystery illness does not return.

I was just walking back to the barn with Switch when Britt and Cooper arrived before 10:30. She caught bird and after hosing and releasing Switch I caught Pepper and KD and joined her on a trail ride in the now 26 degree heat. KD would prefer a rider I think to get some speed. Shaina is coming tonight so will encourage her to ride her in the am. Once back at the ranch I hosed and released while B continued her exercise work with Bird before heading home. I had over 10,000 steps (thanks to the ponies) by 11 am!!

I mixed up some milk paint and put it on the accent table, pretty. I was watering my parched garden when S arrived back at 1:30 with Opa for lunch. I took a quick break to eat it then back out to finish watering while the prince hit big brown for a wee nap.

Time to sand the milk paint table that in the now 32 degree heat was dry in short order then hemp oil it. S headed off to bale. He got 3 1/2 bales and was on his way back coming up the laneway when I saw smoke billowing out of the baler. Of course he did not answer his phone but I waved him to stop; grabbed the hose and got to putting it out.

see the smoke above his head, burning hay!

He moved the setup to the grass seeing it needed more water and cleaning and before pressure washing it out he to the ranger back to check no bales were on fire. Whew! I prepped veggies for supper. Shaina arrived at 5 to stay the night and join us for beer butt chicken. 

She and I got it on the barbecue about 5:15 with an estimated hour and half cook time. 

above left 1 1/2 hours and right over 2 hours

I wrote a Hometalk post for the coffee table while it cooked and she computer work too. S was in to join us before 7 but we decided the chicken needed longer. I took off the veggies I had put on part way thru and let it cook about 2 hours plus. It was perfect and delicious. I whipped up a batch of sour dough bread from the starter I fed this afternoon and let it proof overnight.

Bale dude arrived after 8 to start loading the last few loads of his bales. Britt and Cooper arrived then too eating supper and off just after 8:30. Her lesson with Roo tonight went well and she should be home soon.


Shaina and I went out to tweak KD's feet finishing just as a lady stopped to purchase the orange saddle pad I had cleaned up. Shaina was back to her computer work as was I with a bowl of ice cream. S came in between loads finishing up the last and coming in after 11. Lola seems to be back to her out door status esp in this heat wave week.

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