Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Couple sales kinda day

Coffee motivated the day. I took Lola out and eventually let her just monitor herself. As I was getting the blog posted and a few quick marketing posts an Etsy sale came thru. Yay, it was the shadow box so I had to build a sturdy box for it, package it up, print a label and get it all secured up.

Our next task was to move furniture from under the lift to get the fire ball out.

Just before we left I picked 3 large bundles of cilantro for ladies requesting and off we went to town. 2 out of 3 were there to pick it up. S was off to do errands and I got my massage then gave the 3rd bundle to the girls that work there seeing the 3rd never showed after appointment either ;(

Back at the ranch Britt was catching Pepper to trim his feet. Lorne arrived for his second load of bales and Krystalle arrived to drop off a thumb drive of our photos and buy the white chair as a photo prop, thank you! She and Jasper visited for a bit then were off. 

Britt also washed Bird's rain sheet and fly sheet. She and I then caught horses to ride. Bugs were crazy bad for them today even giving Switch a pulling panic attack. I rode KD and ponied her along this time. We did not go for long then hosed and set free. Next up was to work on Bird's bars before we loaded up and were off to Roo & Britt's lesson at 5:30.

S watered the lilacs which seem to be super dry when I was deadheading. B dropped me back home after 7 and I popped the sour dough in the over S had preheated for me and got the veggies prepped. Once he was in to grill them and the steak we ate, again late but that is a summer tradition it seems. It was such a beauty night we even started a fire and sat around it for awhile. Showers and starting the movie The Informer but had to shut off as both got to sleepy.

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