Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sunny Tuesday in June

what a gentleman watching over the ladies

We were a little slow getting the day going today. We had planned a trail ride with Shaina and Britt but B was concerned about Bandit being alone and possible slippery trails so backed out. S ran to town at 9:30 with a coffee to go after we put Lola on the deck to have the tires rotated which ended up not being done after an hour waiting for his 10 am appointment. He also picked up a tractor attachment and brought home OPA for lunch. I have been wanting that all quarantine!!

While at home I did marketing then Sharon dropped by to drop off cash for Shaina and we had an hour visit in the sunshine. She was off just before S got back. I staged up the tray and got it listed on my Etsy store. (stop by and give it a like and favorite my store!)

Britt and Cooper came out before 12:30. She took of Bird's sheet and she and I and Sheldon went for a ride. It was such a lovely day for a ride but the 2 blacks were super spicy. After hosing Bird was released while B and I trimmed Pepper and Switch. S tried the tractor attachment with no luck of it fitting ;(

B ran to get horse feed at the feed store, S had a rest in big brown while I scrubbed up the desk. I was just finishing when B arrived back and were headed to Roo's riding lesson slated for 5. S went out to grade the road. Roo is doing very well and looks slimmer, fitter and taller. We trimmed her after her lesson, good for 1000 more miles ;)

  look at her lovely gait

this little fellow was in a stall

B dropped me back off at home after 7 where 7 was finishing up supper. I chowed down then had a soak in the tub to relax after the trimming day. I did run out a pill to Bandit quick then back in to do some marketing before Netflix. S was enjoying the evening cruising the internet.

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