Monday, June 29, 2020

Flowers galore

B dropped Cooper off at 7, today is his day care trial. For the next almost 2 hours he would occasionally whimper reminding me he would like to go play. I was up after 8:30, pulled on S big rubber boots and camophlauge rain coat over my housecoat and walked 2 dogs to the gate and back. It must be quite the sight :) They both went on the deck and I came in for a cappuccino. Good timing as the wind picked up and misty rain began.

deck patrol lessons underway

It was not long and Cooper had to come in as they were racing around the deck playing. Not good for the recovering patient. He was not happy about this but fell asleep as I did marketing. I let him out when I had a quick shower to roam the house but again he was a whiner. After sending him out for a quick rip around the yard he was brought back to the kennel. Wanting to warm the house up without starting the furnace I made a batch of Magnolia banana bread. It helped but I eventually turned on the furnace. It was tasty dessert after my tuna sandwich but I like my banana bread better.

I staged the jewelry box then got to work on writing a tutorial for the green valet. The dogs were taken for a walk at 2:30 and the sun even peeked out a bit. However they did find the dead gophers S had shot and tried to roll in them so it was back to the deck for Lola. Cooper I let run of some steam as I picked more dandelions and weeds. However when I turned around from feeding the horses I found he dug up and area I was just at. On to the deck for him. As I was back to the tutorial writing I heard metal scraping and found him stretched up eating Lola's food from on the spool. I am thinking his day care pass is revoked. ;)

A neighbor had made me a garden fancy last year and was in the area so dropped it off at 5. So cute now where to put it that it won't smash. Cabbage casserole supper while catching up on Scrabble and news then back to computer work. I found this great picture of Daisy in her youth with Dad while sorting my files.

And Krystalle sent these pics today of B&C, her new Facebook profile photo

The peonies from Amanda are opening so well and pretty I so wished I had a new piece to stage them with.

So I hauled up the white chair to get new photos with them

B arrived at 7:30 to do her horse things with the released from his kennel after napping 2+ hours Cooper. Soon after neighbor Tash stopped with a gorgeous home grown flower bouquet!! I had commented on her pretty ranunculus on Instagram and she offered some. THANK YOU! She also shared a flower preservative recipe she likes 1 tsp bleach: 1 tsp sugar : 2 tsp lemon juice in a gallon of water. I mixed that up and got them in a cute vase ASAP.

Aren't these gorgeous? She grew them all in her garden starting the anemones, costa silver snapdragons and ranunculus in her basement from seed!! Along with veronica, cat mint, salvia and a pretty bush for filler.

B and Tash left one behind the other before 8. I did a bit more computer work then went to snap some photos of the perennials I could offer to share with Tash for her garden as well as my 2 peony plants.

Bell flower AKA campanula here as single and group shots

tiger lilies

Japanese? Siberian? Iris

And this is the second year the one peony (right) has no buds.. shall I lift it? move it? I think once the rain stops I will remove grass in this area and put down chips and add another peony if I can get one from Auntie Mindy who has some of Grandma Ball's.

Lola did her walk off leash tonight and had great recall, yeah!! Tucked into the garage and pilled at 9 for the night. I was watching another episode of Crazy Delicious when the prince arrived home after 10:30.

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