Thursday, June 4, 2020

Fertilizer day

Coffee and meds started the day which was sunny but soon clouded over. I walked Lola, gave meds and set her up on the deck for the day again seeing it was cooler. I got onto marketing while S ran to pick up the fertilizer and spreader. Kaylin was up at 11 for a coffee with Shaina and Jacob a bit later. S was back before lunch popping in to barbeque hotdogs.

Shaina and Jacob loaded up and were off to the mountains before 1. S was off to fertilize, K for a shower and I went out to plant columbines Mom brought. I pruned more trees and hand watered the garden and buckets the new plants and others such as peonies. The sun peeked out and then was out in full force after 2 making for a gorgeous afternoon. K and Lexi were off to the city before 3. I started water on the back flower bed moving every so often.

Mom brought me a new old window, thanks!

S finished up the load of fertilizer then drove it back to get more. I researched building an outdoor house number sign for Spider. Now to get a plan and stuff to make it. S returned after 5 with a small load of fertilizer to do the paddock just to the west and the rest in the field then took the spreader back at 6 for good this time. He was back after 7 right after Britt and Cooper arrived. He hooked up dump trailer and loaded the ranger for its appointment tomorrow. B was off to spray horses and put fly sheets on then joined us for a late leftover supper then off for home at 8.

last of my blooms ;(

I worked on accounting and marketing before it was time to walk Lola, medicate and put inside for the night. S showered and hit the hay while I watched Animal Kingdom.

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