Thursday, May 7, 2020

Paddocks picked and harrowed

They say rain is coming so after our coffees we headed out to finish the paddocks. S first checked the dump trailer after chatting with the dealer and left the battery charged. I got the quad/wagon combo out and hand picked poop in the closest paddock. S hooked up the harrows to the ranger and blasted around the winter pasture first and to closest. We also started watering the flowerbed and grass to empty the house water tanks.

We stopped at noon for a beverage and snack. During the lunch break I staged the buffet for a few photos.

Then it was back out by 1 to finish and move on to the other two. I then made a few loops in the winter pasture to hand pick rocks he unearthed while he worked on a few compacted hay areas with the harrows. He zipped up the driveway sides on the way back to the house. The pasture/paddocks look great.

S went to work on the dump trailer with success fixing part of the issue and was finally able to dump the trailer. I started a project of scrubbing up 2 of our patio spools. Once all sides were clean they were left to dry. Time to cook up supper: spicy pesto burgers. These are really yummy and would make again.

Britt popped in around 8 having been here for half an hour feeding her horse as well as Dave drove in and cut boards for their deck in the barn and we missed it all. We had a short visit while she was waiting for Cooper to return then they were off. Shower, Scrabble and Netflix rounded out the evening once again.

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