Thursday, May 28, 2020

Lola's surgery

I was awake a few times in the night then at 6, I checked the horses and it was a lovely sunny morning. I laid awake till after 7:30 sorting the days plans and Lola's surgery but must have fallen asleep as my alarm went off at 8:15. I got ready and headed out to give her a brush before loading her up and into town. We arrived 15 minutes early (note to self, stick with time they say as you sit in a car) but at 9:00 she was taken in for her appointment.

She loves to go for car rides.. just not sure to the vets.

I made a few stops in town but not long after getting to town the vet called with info for the days events. First stop was to drop off the parcels at the post office, borrow a cone from a lady for her post surgery then pick up some free saw horse parts. Seeing I was a block from Britt's I offered to let Cooper out. It seems he had a tummy ache as had pooped on the floor. I cleaned it up while he sat on the deck staring in the window. I stood with him in the back yard no luck so took him for a quick walk. As soon as we hit grass he pooped again! Yikes this fellow really needs to learn to like his backyard. Back in the house he was on the couch for his day.

Next stop was Tim's for a chai and bagel, I made a quick loop thru Peavey to grab new dog food B recommended and swing thru their plants. Then it was back to the ranch to get busy on projects. I made up some milk paint, put a coat of white oil on one coffee table and coat of clear on the other two. The base of the low coffee table was painted in a warm white milk paint.

Late lunch break then back at it to put on the second coat. I was polishing the brass feet on the antique coffee table when Kaylin and Lexi arrived after 3 with a load of treasures. I helped her carry them down and she got stuff hung up and organized. We had a visit over a glass of water then she was off before 5.

The vet called saying Lola surgery went well. He did find more arthritis in her right joint they were working on as well as saw more in the left hip on another Xray. Her blood work shows her thyroid levels are low but will watch. He feels the surgery will slow the arthritic process though. She should be able to come home tomorrow. I cooked up meal # 2, chicken and creamed corn and other yummy meal.

After supper I painted the oval table base 2 coats of white milk paint I made up after K left. The rectangular base was sanded and distressed too.

Amanda text Craig was going to Oyen tomorrow so I found boxes and packaged up the bread box and jewelry box ready to go back. Britt and Cooper stopped out after 8 to feed and she filled the far water trough too. We notice Bandit making allot of circles. Poor guy ;(, he has not had meds now for 2 nights and not sure as to what will happen. She grabbed the boxes and dropped them off at the Paetz house on her way home. Thanks B. I then whipped up a batch of pizzelles before crawling in to be at 11 to watch more Sweet Magnolias. If I did not I may have ate the whole batch of pizzelles :)

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