Sunday, May 31, 2020

Crazy storm last night

What a night, a crazy storm rolled in after 3; lightening and rain and wild wind. I remembered I left the garage windo open so went to close only to find Lola at top of the stairs and very anxious. I took her back down and calmed her after closing window and wiping water off wall. Back in bed I heard the cone scratching on the door so went and gave her a sedative and brought her into the porch. I started up the A/C to cool the floor and help drown the noise and turned on the spa music. Eventually her panting subsided and she fell asleep. The storm lasted till before 5 when I fell back asleep.

Dam J woke me yowling at 6:30. He had been doing this during the storm as well, no idea why he did not hunker down in the barn. Eventually I fell back asleep then up by 8. Pills at 9 with a fresh package of bison liver then out for a wee pee break. I checked rain guage, only a half of a 10/th. She really wanted her water trough water so I took of cone for a bit to do so. Then it was back to the garage with her ice pack. I started laundry and marketing. I had hauled the rectangular one in last night so snapped a couple pictures to share.

With my morning cappuccinos I wrote a Hometalk post for the wood spools. Then I headed to the garage to dark wax the edge of the oval table. I attempted to put it together but seeing I swapped everything the holes did not line up so just hauled in like it is for now. Then it was time to seal the coffee table milk painted base. I started with hemp oil and disliked it so wiped off, added more paint and went with clear wax. Then black and zinc wax was added.

Lola is anxious today following me all over the garage and panting and restless. I gave her a sedative at 1 after I stopped for a tuna sandwich.  I had set up the puppy pen along garage door so she can see out but not get out but that was not helping. I tried putting her on the deck hauling the pen up there but she still was worried. I walked her to the pasture where she likes to do her biz and that was one of the issues. She also wanted to patrol and not happy she had to go back to quarantine but did so as I worked on the coffee table top I was not fond of. I added grey and still a nope so I got out black and blended... much better.

B and Coop stopped quick around 3 to feed and grab tools to work on seeding her back yard. I sprayed the hardware in the barn and left to dry as the dark clouds got closer. Sure enough the crazy wind hit not long after before 4. My new birdbath blew away so I went to retrieve from the field in the spattering rain. Funnel clouds were spotted north of town too with an emergency alert at 4 and another 45 min later. I closed up the garage and brought Lola to the porch which she instantly rested.

Kaylin and Shaina were moving the last of their stuff out today and in the city it rained all day making this a chore. K was going to bring her load out but the weather was not cooperating as rain returned off on and on. I folded all the laundry and ate the cod leftovers while finishing an Animal Kingdom episode I could not last night.

I moved furniture to stage table photos, will take more tomorrow. Then it was back to marketing and updating sites and spread sheets and posting the one table for sale on multiple sites. I also wrote a tutorial on the hardware change up and get it posted and such. The rain let up around 9 so I took Lola out to pee before her meds and tucking her into bed in the garage. I checked the rain gauge again and this bout of rain gave us 2/10ths, thank you Lord. Time to crawl into bed and try and get some sleep. After another Animal Kingdom episode of course :)

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