Saturday, April 4, 2020

Sunshine finally

Thinking I was going to attend an online hoof course at 9 I was out feeding and doctoring the horses after 8:30. It is a good think my "astronaut" coveralls can fit a thick fuzzy housecoat in them along with me. There was a fresh coat of snow.. and the icy areas were now even more treacherous. I may have had a few slip and slide screams happening.

Back inside I found the course cost $$, WTH. So it was cappuccino and a bit of marketing. The sun came out and hit a high of zero!! This made for a fabulous day to finally see sun. It was time then to get dressed and head out to the garage and get to work on projects. I finished the dining table edges, finally!!

OMG I just found the perfect answer to save my fingers nails and go twice as fast!

I hauled the white dresser out, removed hardware and worked on drawers. I was scraping the top when Mama K called to catch up. B arrived before 1 as we were chatting.

She checked horses to find injuries of course. She cleaned a odd patch on Roo's face and Bandits foot that seemed to be infected while I ate a quick salad for lunch. I hauled the vanity pieces all to the deck for pick up in next little while.

Then we got busy trimming feet: Bandit, Bird, Switch & Roo all got a pedicure. The vanity was picked up before 3, as I watched him (the son) load it he dumped a few drawers out sending them tumbling down the stairs hitting the sidewalk, ;( He said oh they are ok.

B's farrier chaps above and ones Dad gave me that are too small, trying to think how to have Sharon tweak them as the ones she dropped off of Darren's are too bulky & fancy to trim in.

We finished up the trims and I started hauling 6 bales down to the ranger and transferring to the pallets for the next few days til S gets home. I came in after 4 for a cold beer. B loaded 3 more in the ranger for good measure. The dogs were again on an adventure and after waiting with them not home she headed to town around 4:30. They were back in less then an hour, I put Cooper in his kennel to eat and dry off.

I went back to work in the garage working on the white dresser. The top edge was scraped off and the top stripped and scraped. I was working on it when Matt picked up the Boston fern for the lady who bought it. Somehow he is getting it her son. Thanks Matt.

whoot I found money in the dresser, think only amount I have ever found but it is US so more then .10 :)

I built a new corner too

I came in at 7 just after he left to cook supper: shawarma chicken and freekeh . Sadly the squash was rotting so that was not part of it. Last week had squishy zucchini and wilted bok choy. The produce is a bit frustrating for the $99.99/box price but do know you can send them a photo and they will credit your next box. Britt arrived as I was cooking. She had purchased a big tool box to be our one stop vet box. She had new meds too. Once it was all set up she went out to administer Bandit's eye meds and feed the horses before heading to town before 8:30. Thanks B.

I finished up yesterdays blog post and published it then hit the tub at 10 to soak my aches of the day then relaxed in bed starting a new show called Unorthodox. The Jewish life can be very strict, wow! And this is based on a true story.

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