Monday, April 6, 2020

Horses hauled to Moore's

Another overcast day with feeding/eye drops in housecoat stuffed coveralls. I was back in for a couple cappuccinos while I caught up on marketing.

Lola laying on the "rug"

It was then out to work on the projects. More scraping on the painted round table base.

I final sanded & wiped the dining table and put on the first coat of stain/oil.


The latest dresser had the butterfly stickers removed and scrubbed up well.

Bandit's eye was no better so Britt arranged a vet appointment for him and Bird at 2:45. I found a dish of the chicken/bok choy I forgot in the fridge so half was for lunch. I caught the horses and loaded them and on the road by 2.

Bandit eye is a mystery; It is shrinking (less pressure) which may be uvitis? He had a few different stains applied and lots of looking in it and the plan is to change up his eye ointment to add steroids and banamine to his daily regime.

Bird had blood drawn to IRAP her stifles in the future, her teeth were checked and good but when she was fecal sampled she was overloaded with worms. Most likely from Roo. This means everyone will be wormed to make sure no one else is infested.

We loaded them up and I was on my way back to the ranch arriving at 5. It was plus 4 and the yard was getting really soggy. The two ate a bit at the fence before I set them free then it was supper time ; the last of the chicken bok choy and the news. I have one meal left for tomorrow with the prince.

Britt and Dave popped out after supper and we gave all the horses dewormer. I tossed hay and eyes were medicated. Britt fed Bird. They had to wait for Cooper to return so had a cold drink then on their way when they finally returned covered in mud.

S pulled in at 9 and headed straight to the shower while I made him some supper which was a bog salad and some smoothie then it was off to bed.

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