Friday, April 17, 2020

Dresser complete table underway

Another ground hogs day start with coffee, scrabble, marketing, toast then on to chores. S tossed hay and opened the far gate for the girls but they did not head out. He also gave pills to the boys today while I buffed the dresser, drilled new holes for the knobs then had S help me haul in the dresser frame when he popped in for a break.

I changed up the top pull too so had to fill holes, sand and hand paint.

I then staged it up.

Back to the garage to start on the round table base. It was lightly sanded and painting started in a warm white. However the black sharpie marker is showing thru so primer was sprayed on and left to dry while I joined S for lunch. After lunch I was back out to put on another coat.

right side covered left side sanded and below all painted pretty

The weather was at 10 but overcast so does not feel as warm as yesterday. I headed out before 2 to give Bird her meds and walk her to the open gate. The other mares followed and were soon headed out to the big pasture. S was heading out to the shop as I walked back to the house. The girls really enjoyed their space as I heard thundering hooves as I was writing the cerused table tutorial. They would come flying up bucking and dancing then back to eating and repeat. The boys were not happy about all this action.

Back to the garage to work on the table which I forgot the top skirt edges so hauled it over, sprayed with primer then got a coat of paint brushed on.

this was top waxed from yesterday

A wood tote I have been prepping had a coat of yellow milk paint brushed on the inside. I tried to add a mix with fresco to emboss the sides but it was really runny. Will see if it turns out.

I came in after 5 to start veggie prep for supper. S came in from his shop task as well as putting up a rail. I made us cappuccinos to warm up as the rain started around 6. Our steak and roasted veggie supper was delicious no matter the rain. B and Cooper stopped out to feed Bird. This required them both to stand in the rain while she ate and Cooper inside with us. They were off for home before 7:30.

wall progress from yesterday

today's wall project underway

S tossed hay in the rain while I added the embossing paste to the other side of the tote and put another coat on table edge. Back inside we tried to start a movie love wedding repeat but quit as it was not interesting. I watched another restaurant on the edge as S caught some zsss.

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