Sunday, February 9, 2020

Snow stormy day

I was awake perusing Instagram at 8, I waited for the coffee pot to go off and the prince to awake but again he was making the most of his sleep in days so before 9 I went and poured us both a cup delivering one steaming cup to his side of the bed. This got him up ;) It was a lightly snowy day that increased and decreased throughout the day.

love this photo Shaina took last night of the Calgary tower

I was back working at the Amazon affiliates when I realized that if I did not get my account or did not make the 3 sales/ 6 months all the links would have to be reverted to normal!!! UGH time to make a salad for lunch and think about this. S had a big relaxing morning and a nap in big brown this morning as well as again after his lunch.

Are you on Pinterest? hold your phone over these photos with the Pinterest app open and see what happens ;)

I went out now the snow let up around 1, gave pills and trimmed some front feet of 5 in the paddocks. It was melting out at zero but had a bit of a wind still. I brought my hoof knives in for prince to sharpen and not long after around 3, temperature dropped to -2 and it started to white out snow again. Good timing on my part. I made us a yummy cappuccino for the sharpener and the now back to computer work lady.

The afternoon computer work was a challenge with lots of files deleted and potential lost trying to make room but eventually I think I got most things working and did make room on both the computer and external hard drive. Then it was time to cook up the last Hello Fresh meal; Beef Tagliata. It was really good too. After more marketing I started a new Netflix series called Cheer.

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