Sunday, January 19, 2020

The cold snap breaks, off to see my sugar gal

So it was still -23 when waking but the sun is out, now to get the chinook weather rolling in. I did a bit of marketing then got on to the smaller white/pink jewelry box stenciling a wee pattern on the sides then sanding and white waxing. Hand painting with a wee brush for white areas on both boxes too.

Waiting for the weather to warm up I jumped in the shower then put a second coat of milk paint on the pieces I redid yesterday, It looks like it is not chipping!!

Seeing it was now -17 I took off Daisy's hood which I think she was super stoked to have off. I also took Bird and KD's blankets off as per Britt but left Daisy's on and gave pills.

Britt and Cooper arrived at 1 as I was coming in. She went and visited her horses and walked to far hay and gave Bandit his pill. She checked on the cats while waiting for Cooper to return but eventually had to stomp out in the neighbors south field to get them back. I vacuumed main floor while waiting for them. It was now 2 and too late to hit up the home reno show. She ran Cooper to the condo as I followed soon after. I grabbed the mail, did a quick return and picked us up a tea at Tims. It was a good day with the fellow ahead of us paying for our teas, THANK YOU!

I picked up B and we were off to the city  where it was PLUS 5 with first stop at Winners where I was looking for  beach wear and B home goods. Both of us found stuff but I have to say swimsuit shopping is the worst. We stopped at a thrift store on our way to the girls place and each found a few treasures.

At the girls Kaylin handily sugared me up while the other 2 visited. We enjoyed supper at Joey's after with all 3 girls ordering the yellow fin tuna salad.

I dropped the 2 back at their house and B and I were off for Strathmore. I was running on fumes so filled up as soon as we got to town before dropping her off. I was back at the ranch before 9. In town it was -3 but on the way home it dropped to -16 which was a pocket it seems as when I got to the gate it was -3 again. Yeah for the horses and cats. Lola was sore so I brought her in and gave pain meds and left to sleep on the heated floor hoping to help her.

I worked on the blog post watching The Good Place and by 10:30 it was zero degrees and rising to 2 by the time I shut out lights. Halleluah!!

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