Sunday, January 26, 2020

Foggy Sunday

The horses were back at the bale along the trees when we awoke and had our coffee. It seems Roo drug the horse blankets off the fence as B predicted :) Once they came in for water later in the morning I ran out their pills before they ventured out to the pasture later in the morning.

crazy how clear the view to town was

What started out as a sunny day changed. Crazy fog rolled in around 1 as S ran to Matt's to retrieve a forgotten tool. I brought in the dining table and staged it.

He was back about 45 minutes later and started on his GST for 2019 on the computer. Britt and Cooper were out at 2, she dropped him off for a playdate and headed back to town to "clean" her house.

These two :) and notice naughty Pepper hoping to get thru the hotwire, not this time Mr.

Speaking of cleaning house that is what I did hauling the dining table downstairs and putting the dining room back in order, vacuuming and cleaning the master bathroom. The fog lifted just like it came in at 3. It did however roll in and out briefly every now and then for the rest of the day.

Cooper was off on his own adventure in the east field so called him in to warm up and eat keeping him inside till B returned to pick him up at 5. We made our favorite taco supper then S was off to big brown to kick back and I did some more marketing before a soak in the tub. We ended the evening with another smoothie while watching the bonus features DVD from Yellowstone.

bath bomb from Kaylin

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