Monday, January 13, 2020

Coffee table complete

The day started overcast and cold but the sun did pop out after lunch. Travis arrived just before 8 having taken his dog Diesel to the Calgary emergency vet clinic in the night from Oyen. After his long night he went straight to bed. I made a cappuccino and worked on marketing before S got up and made coffee. I spent part of my morning doing accounting.

His task once motivated with a few cups of coffee was to get his airport car going that was dead even after he had it plugged in all night. He also checked out the gate that was open after Travis had come thru; seems it might not be back to 100% yet.

scrubbed on the left, original on right

I bundled up and popped out to give the horses, 4 of them now, their pills and the other 3 apples before I black waxed the coffee table and had S help me haul the heavy beast in to stage.

Lunch was leftovers then nap time in big brown for S as he prepped for his travel day north. He was off after 2 driving thru town to drop off a parcel for me at the post office. Travis was up before 3, had a bowl of soup and was off to pick up Diesel before 4. The vet thinks it is temporary nerve damage that will be better in 3 weeks or so, fingers crossed.

The sun shining with an extreme cold alert (-26 now) warning is funny but that sun shine was welcome by me, the horses and the solar gate. And the days are getting a bit longer ;)

supper was really healthy

Shaina grabbed me some milk on her way home after boot camp around 7:30 but just when we thought the gate was fixed she called it say it would not open. OH GEEZ. A call to the flying gate fixer had no real answer so I started the truck and got dressed up. It is now -30 not counting the wind chill. As I was pulling down the lane Shaina was coming to the house having wedged the gate open and driving thru. I used the clicker and the power box to finally get the gates open then blocked it in leaving them open.

Back at the house we visited, ate bison soup, washed a white shirt she dumped tea down, sprayed the palm tree with insecticide she brought, washed dishes while she updated her programs before calling it a night around 10. I had to watch YouTube till midnight though before actually calling it a night.

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