Friday, January 31, 2020

B flies east

I had alarm set for 6:50 but a message dinged on my tablet at 6:30 and I was awake. B was running a little late and did not get here till after 7 but she did have a hot chai tea for me, thank you! Cooper was put inside and we were off. I dropped her at the airport 50 minutes later at 8:15 and she was off for the east. Have fun and wish Dave luck!

Speaking of luck, I won another Instagram giveaway. Today it was $25 USD Starbucks card!! Yeah. I think I forgot to share I won $50 in FREE hardware last week from D Lawless Hardware; a company that kindly sponsors many of my projects. I asked if I can pay it forward and use as  giveaway in March for my anniversary.

I had planned to go to Costco but they don't open till 10 but I guess I could stop at Superstore. Well this turned into an hour and a half shopping spree leaving with a big cart of goodies. Prices were much better there and after using $260 points on my PC card I paid $1.53 for this whole cartful.

PLUS a free $25 value party pack.

I was going to head home but seeing I was so close to a couple thrift stores I popped in to two and found some treasures. Then I was off for home swinging thru town to drop off the return parcel and grab lunch. Back at the ranch at 11:30 I hauled in the groceries, quickly ate the hot soup them went out to give horses pills and pitch hay. It is PLUS 3 today with snow in the forecast.

Back inside I ate the salad before going back out to take cat food to barn, fill shelters with salt/minerals, close the middle paddock gate and let the boys into a larger space then back in for my 2 cappuccinos of the day while doing some marketing.

The thrift store scores were sorted, each measured and photographed.

I am keeping the sweet cutting board - made by Baribocraft to boot (An old Canadian company)

Then it was time to get onto the cancer projects. I lightly sanded and cleaned the cabinet door and painted it the sage green and wet distressed. The rest of my day and evening was spent marketing; updating posts, spreadsheets and listing items for sale.

I went out at 8:30 to pitch more hay for all the horses (the girls wont go to the far bale and leave Pepper). It was so nice out with no wind and still at plus 3. I am not looking forward to this chinook ending. Then it was YouTube videos in bed with Cooper.

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