Saturday, December 21, 2019

Winter solstice and Mom's birthday

Of course since the lady was to pick up the tray at 8 I woke thru the night at every hour checking the time. At 3 am I saw the fog had socked in and was still here when I awoke after 7. I decided I should give the tray another coat of wax. Of course I would half hour before she is to pick up but that is just what I did.

I even got dressed and ready for the day and turns out she did not arrive until after 8:30. But she bought the tray and after a visit was on her way. I brought up the similar grey tray, staged it for sale on Etsy and added another coat of wax to it as well.

Today is winter solstice (shortest daylight hours day of the year), first day of winter officially and Mom's birthday. I had a nice chat with the birthday girl on this special day. Happy cake day Mom!! XOXO

Then it was time to get the ruler done. The gal wanted the smaller script numbers but they did seem a bit small scale for the wider board. I finally went with the larger numbers and have fingers crossed she likes them. Then it was touch ups before stencil and brushes scrubbing.

Britt dropped Cooper off before 2 and was to head to Edmonton to Dave's Xmas party but with the weather snowing at that end she changed her mind after heading back to town for his food she forgot to bring out. She gave the horses their pills on her way out of the yard. THANKS!

Now it was time to sage out house. It took over an hour to cover the 4000+ sq feet but I did it. The day was sunny but right around freezing most of the day. The fog rolled in fast at 4 surrounding the ranch. Good thing B did not travel the QE2 today.

B returned after 4:30 bearing Opa chicken wraps for supper, what a kind girl, THANK YOU! After eating and packing up her bedding to use in her now spare room for company tonight she and Cooper were headed back to town after 5.

I spent the evening writing blog posts and tutorials while watching a few more Shine On epsisodes.

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