Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tree decorated & company for supper

Restless sleep night but up and out to give meds at 8:30. Bandit was near the herd in far paddock so all 3 got their meds quick then him tossed hay and back inside. I checked emails and did a bit of marketing till prince got up to make coffee. Shaina joined us not long after and made us scrambled eggs, nice!

I put the first coat of sealer on table tops, it is getting close to done. Inside I started to set the tree up, Shaina joined in and finished the tree while I did the dough bowl and hurricanes lamp decor. It looks great, THANKS Shaina for your help. S pushed snow as his morning fun as there is allot of it.

I put Bird in with Bandit hoping she would become his buddy, she was not pleased to be away from the herd so got in a bit of exercise. I found a spare Christmas tree in the storage trailer for B to set up along with her boxes of Christmas decorations she accumulated over the years as memorable gifts.

Fellows arrived early to pick up custom pieces at 12:30, they were loaded and off in short order. Britt and Dave arrived soon after to hook up to trailer and go to the city to pick up their new bed. We had lunch then S off to town after 1:30 to pick up a few things.

I hiked out for a 3rd time and opened gates for horses to all be together and found Daisy's wrap off her stitches so put in stall till B gets here to remove the stitches if healed. Shaina was off before 3 to her training sessions (although 2 just cancelled on her) then 2 boot camps.

The tables were lightly sanded then had a second coat of poly put on. Once S was back we got busy prepping for our supper with company coming. B and D were back by 4, she removed Daisy's stitches and Dave wrapped it up with a polo wrap for a day or two, thanks guys. B put her back out with the herd and put all together which was of course a bit of action for a bit. We enjoyed a drink and visit as I cooked up bean dip appetizer.

They headed for town after 5, our guests missed our turn and were a bit later then planned after 5:30. Our evening of visiting and dining on a very delicious meal as well as watching the Flames game filled the evening. Shaina was back after 8 from day training and boot camps to enjoy eating the leftovers I saved her. I ran out to give Bandit his last evening dose. The air was a bit foggy and lightly snowing and thinking I saw them mid way across the field in the dark I ended up going all the way to the pit but got it done.

Back inside we watched the Flames win then they were off for home after 10. I tidied up then went out to sand lightly and give a 3rd coat of poly to the table tops before crawling into bed and watched another Glow Up while the prince slumbered.

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