Friday, December 6, 2019

Painting progress

It was another -9 but sunny start to the day, starting to feel like ground hogs day as I head out and give meds however Daisy's are really easy now with her pills only. She eats them lickety split before I put her out in the round pen for the day. I came back to the garage to draw up Bandit's throat meds then back to remove the gloves as it is a cancer causing med. Then it was back out to feed him and Daisy hay and give Pep his pill. Lola got her food and I was back inside for my morning cappuccinos.

After some marketing I got to work in the garage putting a second coat of light grey on the tables. Shaina required some more Bell phone time but in the end we FINALLY got her account straight and good to go. Guacamole and chips with a beer were my lunch then I was back out in the garage starting a test piece on the table center but will leave to dry overnight before glaze layer. The ruler was stenciled then clear coated once sanded and dry on both sides.

Today was the first day in a while that I did not have to do mid day injections. Perhaps we are on the mend. Milk paint was mixed up and the sanded black chair got its first coat. I even played Christmas carols for the first time while painting today.

I made a chicken pasta casserole for supper which turned out really tasty.

My luck of the last few days was soon shifted back to bad when after eating I headed out to put another coat of clear on the growth ruler and used my milk paint brush ;( I tried wiping it off quick but it only gave a white washed look which I finally decided to go with. But if you get a bowl of lemons make lemonade they say! A worn white washed wood look is lovely, just not what the customer ordered. HOWEVER when I sent her the video she was totally pleased with it. Perhaps there is a reason for the change of plans ;)

I was back inside working on blog posts when Britt and Cooper arrived to enjoy the casserole at 7:30 after long day at work. After she ate we headed out to the horses. She brought in Daisy and changed her bandaged while I topped up the stall bedding, water, hay and her beet pulp meds. She then gave Bandit his meds while I took salt out to the closest to barn paddock, closed the between gates to farthest away and opened the gate from behind barn paddock to give Bandit a shelter with salt as they say snow is coming tomorrow.

B and Cooper headed back to town after 8:30. I got back to blog writing and Instagram giveaway entering. You cannot win if you don't enter folks!

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