Sunday, December 29, 2019

Festive Sunday

Coffee and a yummy brunch started our Sunday. Candace popped over to join then Darren and Brendan as well for brunch. Uncle Jim & Auntie Sharon stopped by too for brunch.  Auntie Colleen and Uncle Elton  stopped by mid afternoon as we were playing cards for a quick visit then home for their happy hour nap ;)
photo by Candace ;)

Grama made a delicious supper of roast beef and all the fixings. Riley and Reese. We played more canasta and cards before packing up and heading for home just after 7. THANKS so much for the great weekend of food, fun and family Kuhns!!

We pulled into the ranch after 9, unloaded quick, B started her car and when warm she and Cooper were off to the condo. Shaina to her room and Sheldon to the TV room to watch the last period of the hockey game. I hit the shower and what is better then a nice warm shower? why crawling into fresh linens!! I also tried out the weighted blanket I received (well actually Shaina's open one) for Xmas from Kaylin and Britt. So cozy to watch an episode of season two of You.

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