Saturday, December 14, 2019

Family fun skidooing, campfire and cards. - picture loaded

Scout was the first one up and she of course woke Mya. I joined Mya before 9 and got the coffee going. Dale joined in soon after then the prince who got breakfast going. Kaylin facetimed us from her Mexican vacation at 28 degrees sunny. Mya and I went and gave the horses their pills and she met and hugged each one.

She loves all animals

Vance was up to catch the tail end of breakfast and around 11:30 they got the snowmobiles unloaded  and were off. After a bit S got our machine running and the fellows all went for a long run. Mya and I ran to town to pick up Asher to join in on the fun. We started a puzzle waiting for the travelers to return.

Once the fellows were back they started a fire in the firepit. It was a beautiful -3 afternoon with the sun even coming out.

Mya took Asher for a ride

Vance thought heating his cold fries on a log might be tasty

Some were ate, some were kindling LOL

comfy chairs with drink holders

Puppy kisses before they set off to help Uncle get more wood. He sent the "hired" man back with a load.

After warming up and refreshing they all headed out again adding Mya and Asher to the gang while I went in to prep food for the evening; dips, meats, chips and chili. B and Cooper had arrived after 2 while we were around the fire when back from this second long ride then she went to check on the horses then ran to town before 3 to pick up Lexi from the gym as Shaina was training Sharon for an hour and too cold for her to wait.

 Shaina joined us around 4:30 after her training session in time for the tail end of the bean dip now that the skidoo crew were back, warmed by the fire before coming inside to eat.

Mya meets Cooper

The rest of the Paetz's arrived to join in on the festivities. They brought hot dogs which Asher and Vance cooked over the firepit for those who ordered one to go along with the chili.

these ladies finished the puzzle the kids and I started this am

Cooper was a champ letting the little girls be his veterinarians and groomers

Family photo was vetoed but I should have gotten all the kids around the tree as only Kaylin was missing.

Two of the gals needed more steps in on their fancy Apple watches so made use of the island and a small dog for weight.

Travis arrived after his afternoon shopping in the city to join us for visiting and games. It was a fun night of visiting, cards and such. Paetz's loaded up after 10:30 to head home and Shaina and Lexi were soon off too. Vance and Mya headed to bed while the 5 of us played cards till after midnight then called it a day. A very good day!

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