Sunday, December 1, 2019

Dec 1st already and a chinook

Beautiful sunrise coming up around 7:45 as I woke, The usual PJS in coveralls to give Daisy her meds then seeing it was no wind -9 out took her out for a walk and forage for grass in the snow. She had drank 3/4 of the water and ate her hay overnight so that was good to see her hunger strike over. She may even get some time later today in the round pen. S was making coffee as I came back in before 9.

I served the prince his coffee in bed then on to get bedroom furniture quotes for a gal but I discouraged her seeing it was veneer over chipboard and not a lovely style. I have a custom table top coming after lunch so in order to make room I black waxed the large queen size bed frame to finish it up. Then I cleaned up the garage to make room. They arrived at 12:30 to drop off as S was making his way back from dumping the stall shavings at the pit with the skid steer. We had a brief consult and paint color choice and they were on their way. Time for a grilled cheese for lunch. Britt and Dave dropped Cooper off as we were cooking it then they were off to the city to look for Black Friday mattress sales.

this is their dining table top to be redone

S jumped into big brown for a nap and I went out to put a second coat of white on the cabinet. He woke and went to roll a bale out at 2:30 as I took a break and went to give Daisy her Dex shot and antihistamine. Seeing it was now -4 and sunny I decided to give her some freedom to forage in the round pen for a couple hours. This pleased her very much and for 2 hours she pawed and scrounged for grass with no attempt to roll or rub.

Mama K and Candace were thinking of stopping today on way home from Christmas markets in the city but instead of chancing our cold germs they met with Kaylin for a late lunch. And time has flown by, Shaina is coming home tomorrow from Sydney after a week in Bali as a bonus. 

I went back and finished the cabinet painting the inside a first coat and distressing outside then moved onto the second coat on the entry table. S worked on 2 outdoor lights that have been flashing. At 4:30 I wrapped up the painting, put Daisy back in her stall and came in for a cold beer.

Tacos are on the menu for supper so I got the beef cooking up and then ran out to sand distress the entry table. S kindly chopped lettuce, tomatoes and avocado and once I was back in we chowed down. And by chow down it was 5 tacos plus a taco salad for one and the other had half that. Let's just say there were no left overs! ;)

I hopped into the tub at 7 but Britt and Dave arrived about 7:15 so I jumped out and she and I went to change Daisy's bandage and give meds. Dave stayed to watch the hockey game with S. We finished up and they were off for home after 8.

Seems Cooper got a fancy new coat today on the shopping trip

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