Monday, November 11, 2019

Snow returns

Awoke to the ground covered in show and still coming down softly at 7 am and -11. There is a couple inches piling on the level. I did a bit of perusing before getting my first cappuccino and onto marketing. The vintage ladder tutorial was published. The snow increased then let up around 10:30. At 11 the sun came out and it was beautiful with all the snow sparkle everywhere.

I headed to the garage to power sand, wash and spray paint sanded spots on the bedframe.

Inside for some more marketing which included a customer with a table issue. I am unsure what caused the issue so sent details to paint company. I also ordered some milk paint from a new company to try that will be sent to Deb's. I popped back out to spray spots with shellac next to seal the sanded areas more.

Then it was time to paint it. I gave the entire piece a full coat of black paint. Finishing at 5 as the sun was setting ;( it was time to cook some salmon and few garden potatoes. I did divvy up the last of the soup and freeze it, too many nights of it in a row. I did have the last for lunch ;) Super was yum; Lola agreed as she loves salmon supper night!

I wrote more tutorials and sorted pictures while watching some Wentworth episodes. It was a bright day but a cold one getting colder thru the day  to -13 then -16 by 8 and going down they say to -20. Lola and the horses are going to feel the cold tonight ;(.

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