Friday, November 22, 2019

Homeward bound

I was awake when Chuck was getting ready for work at 5 but tried to go back to sleep. I got up at 6 to have coffee and visit with Deb and the dogs. She got ready for school and was off around 7:30. I rousted Sheldon after my shower and we loaded all our bags and set out after he had a coffee and bagel at 9. We made a quick stop to pick up Kaylin some Oreo coffee creamer she requested then set off to the airport to return the car after it was filled with gas.

A bus took us to the terminal then it was thru all the hoops of baggage, security then waiting for the flight. I grabbed us a double whopper meal to share which was quite tasty. The plane was late taking off after 1 but we arrived in Vancouver by 4. I watched Stuber on the way then started Bohemian Rhapsody. S watched Stuber too on his iPad. At Van couver we whipped thru customs then took a bus to domestic terminal to wait for the Calgary flight at 5. S grabbed us a Tim's chai and donut for our supper ;)
Vegas below but was trying to get Mt Charleston but the clouds covered it

 Calgary has a new art display

The Calgary flight was super quick as always. I finished Bohemian Rhapsody exactly as we landed at 7:30 MST. S ran for the car while I waited for the suitcase and we set off in plus 7 melting snow temps stopping by Superstore to grab nasal solution and a few groceries including peppermint ice cream knowing this is the season and the store that sells it.

We pulled into the ranch at 9 pm to an excited Lola greeting us. We hauled in our bags only to find S lost his credit card on the way from airport. I caught up on loads of emails having missed an Etsy sale on Monday!! Yeah. The black end tables had interest from 2 parties in the last few days both saying they can pick up tomorrow morning. We will see but I got the first one directions. I had 2 emails wanting pieces quoted which is exciting and plans for the drop off still on Sunday of previous custom. I watered all my thirsty plants. S caught up on emails and internet. We changed to warm winter sheets and called it a night. But of course I had to watch a few Netflix episodes before lights out ;)

Trip statistics;

drove in 2 lovely convertibles over 1500 miles!!
thru 3 states including checking off the Grand Canyon on the bucket list
1 lost key fob
1 lost bikini bottom
1 credit card

but all and all it was a great get away!

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