Sunday, October 13, 2019

Quiet long weekend Sunday

With my couple cappuccinos I wrote a tutorial for more of the spray painted projects at B's condo then it was on to the painted projects. The white box and dough bowl were clear waxed.

Time to stencil the jewelry box.

B dropped Cooper off after 1 and was off to Costco with Brooke to stock up on groceries. The horses came in for water so I went out and gave Pep his pill along with starting Daisy on them. B suggested this and I have noticed her favoring a hind leg as of the last few days so it can't hurt. I rasped this back hind quick a wee bit to try and take pressure off her tendons.

Back inside it was dark waxing the white pieces before taping B's jewelry box and putting the first coat of teal on it. The fellow borrowing the skid steer and trailer dropped it all back off. Laundry went on all day. A bit of staging was next.

I ate an early 4 o'clock supper only to have Shaina text at 5:30 her 4-close shift was over already due to lack of customers ;( She will hit the gym before coming home and perhaps grab something. Britt was back just after 6 to grab Cooper and head home.

Shaina arrived after 7:30, ate and started Rhythm + Flow. I made us a smoothie as I continued my photo sorting and tutorial work.

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