Friday, October 18, 2019

Local market day 1

Today is the local Strathmore vintage market; but first I have coffee and a date with this little miss.

She is showing me her pretty top while trying to type on my ipad keyboard as I get dressed ;)

S was on a mission to get his stove cleaned before hooking up the cargo trailer but first the dresser we picked up had to be taken out.

A and I went out to give horses their pills and pet them.

stove cleaner hard at work

Totally forgot I had to assemble the chalkboard, thanks to my assistant I got it done

and staged quick too ;) Her outfit matched perfect, who knew!

Amanda picked her up after noon and was off. S hooked up the trailer and we loaded the last of the items. The day is ugly and cool with a blustery wind too. We were at the market around 1. He helped me unload then was off to finish cleaning the stove and other man things while I proceeded to get all set up for the doors opening at 4.

The market ran till 8 pm; S was back to pick me up having dropped off the now spotless stove to the rental. Time to head home for a frosty beverage after only ONE $5 sale and a hot shower. Hoping tomorrow is a better day!

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