Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Kaylin's birthday

Happy 28th cake day my lovely Kaylin! XOXOX

I was up before 6 so perused some Instagram and played cookie jam before jumping in the shower before 7:30. Time to see the sunrise and get some marketing done, a few birthday posts. S had coffee going after 8. Dave had left for Edmonton around 4 am. B and I gathered a few more things and headed out after 9 taking Cooper along. S tossed a bale for the horses then was off to his massage at 10.

We dropped off my parcel at post office on the way to the new house. Once there our first order of business was getting the self cleaning oven going. It was a bit of a challenge but eventually we got it going even setting of the smoke detectors. The spewed out some serious grunge that had us worried shutting it down after an hour +. We were up in the room starting the white paint in the master feature wall. I painted the baseboards the white after I cut in the wall while B rolled and Coop supervised.

Back from his massage with hot teas and a pumpkin spice muffin for each, S thought we would be ok to run the oven so started it back up. We got back to painting while he had a rest. B scrubbed all the closet doors while I removed the vanity light and got it scrubbed up. It was decided to paint the bathroom the grey. S was off on errands to get the paint and exchange a water filter. He also took off the front door lock and dropped it off to be rekeyed.

B scrubbed the wall in the bathroom and spare room after I power sanded the nasty wall paper border area and filled yet more holes!!

I started cutting in the bathroom. S had picked up new dryer vent and finished installing it and both set back in place.

I started spray painting the vanity light adding the upstairs brass door knobs to the spray area in her basement storage room.

The one spare room light fixture was taken down by the electrician and I scrubbed and sprayed it. He was then off to get the locks and exchange windshield wipers B picked up that did not fit, nor did the set he bought either. 

goodbye brassy gold

 basement rumpus room (Nordic track included)

 main floor

The realtor sent pizza and coke for our supper, it was so delicious and I am not even a huge pizza fan. Think it helped we were all starved once smelling it. 

B and I moved on to paint the spare room its second coat but by now it was after 6 and getting dark and with no light in the room we needed it put back up even though not completely sprayed. Once we finished that room we decided to keep on the roll and paint the 2nd room its first coat. S headed home to watch hockey.

watch this chameleon paint and how hard it is to apply first coat

Once we wrapped up the room, washed up the tray and closed up the house after so many more tasks complete we too headed home. A quick trip thru Tim's, B treated me to a tea, thanks B, and we were off getting back to the ranch around 9:30, another 12 hour shift.

S was enjoying his hockey game from bed. I made us a smoothie and caught up on the blog and doing a quick marketing. Hope you had a fantastic day Kaylin!! XOXO

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