Friday, October 25, 2019

Crazy weather day from 19 - 2

The wind is back but it is blowing warm. It is Friday; water plants day and I did laundry all day too. I worked on marketing for a bit then ventured out to haul in the tall chair to paint. Surprisingly the warm wind felt nice at 18 degrees. While I was out I gave the horses their pills then tweaked 1 of Daisy's foot, KD's front and Switch's front. Lola did not want to be left out so got a good brushing which is her favorite.

Time to scrub up the chair then take apart for ease of painting. On went the paint! While I took it outside and sprayed a coat of black over the white so if dinged it doesn't contrast so bad. Then while the first red coat dried I went in and wrote a tutorial for the stenciled jewelry box.

Back out to the garage to put on the second coat of red and move on to the coffee table I decided to go with charcoal after finding the second coat of stain finishing oil was in deed showing old marks. As per the forecast the wind picked up even MORE at 3:30 and blew the winery dirt for miles. About an hour later rain blew in too. The temperature dropped from 19 to 10 and going down and snow is forecast over the weekend. Dang.

see the marks showing above left? on goes the charcoal paint above right and all covered below

I cooked up a salmon burger and one of my last few zucchinis for supper. If only our growing season was a bit longer. Then it was folding laundry while catching some Rhythm and Flow on the iPad. I forgot to share I had a fun feature on a hardware blog on my pieces. I moved the Netflix to a hot soak in the tub hoping to make my back feel better and warm up as it is now 2 outside. When done I scrubbed the tub and bathroom sinks again while watching then headed to bed to relax and read more of the Hutterite book.

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