Monday, September 23, 2019

Painting ladders

I was awake at 6 to take an Advil for my headache and stretch my sore back. I decided to watch a few more How To Get Away with Murder seeing I could not sleep. At 8 I went to make cappuccino but the prince awoke and put on coffee. We enjoyed some relaxing internet time while enjoying a cup.

I am a peach, this is from trimming feet the other day

I sorted thru the treasures I picked up yesterday; photographed and put details in the spreadsheet and accounting info.

I found this pretty glass (R) to go with the one Debby gave me (L)

love carved pieces but this one needs a new foot or feet, any wood turners out there?

S was off to the airport before 2 after his nap in comfy big brown. Time for work, the old vintage ladders were my project today. I painted them both 4 colors of milk paint in layers. The one ladder had broken braces so I sourced a piece of maple from our cabinet remnants and marked new lengths.

On my way to the shop to cut it, I gave Pep his pills and change KD's poultice bandage. Once cut, I scoured thru the frames in one of the sheds, got one to make into a chalkboard and another barn board from the pile for another shelf. I will power wash them another day. I also picked all the remaining apples off the last tree to keep from the dang magpies.

KD seemed to have slipped her slipper (AKA new bandage) so I walked out and rewrapped and put front boots on her. Back in the garage I was scrubbing up brushes when Candace arrived at 5. We had a few cold beers, appetizers and a great catch up till 11. She also filed my super long nails down, THANK YOU!! I had to watch a HTGAWM episode before lights out.

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