Saturday, September 21, 2019

BUSY day - 6 horses trimmed and 2 trees planted

Another 7 am rise to see yet another sunrise. After marketing a bit the crazy fog/clouds rolled in requiring a few photos as well. I finished up yesterdays blog (lots of photos) with my tasty cappuccinos then got busy with projects. A lady is planning to come at 4 today to look at the vanity, fingers crossed.

The trays were first up. The smaller one was painted teal and the larger shades of white. Once dry they were sanded and waxed. I was finishing up the dark waxing when B and Cooper rolled in at 11:30.

Sheldon pulled in at noon bringing a lovely mandevilla plant from Mama K to overwinter and a jumbo bag of cheese (thank you) and a barbeque from the farm for B.

B and I headed out to start our horse trimming. First up was Pepper who also received the spa package getting mane and tail brushed and a bean check. Then it was Daisy who is the best stander of them all. I text for some clamato and S brought it out after his rest and lunch. It was a beauty day and warm trimming needing a cold beer from the barn fridge. Bird was next and a fairly fast trim as she is pretty regular.

Sheldon dug out the 2 dead poplar trees with the skid steer and spade then loaded some top soil. While Britt fed Bird I walked to the gate to meet him, it was now 3, and we dug 2 maple trees from the tree area and brought to the house. We had them planted in short order with water and top soil to help the transition.

my view from the skid steer

and the new maples planted

I prepped the trailer and moved stuff around and hauled out the mirror for the vanity. The lady arrived around 4:30 but after seeing it decided it was too small. ;( she was going to tell a friend though, who knows. Time to eat quick before returning to the last 3 horses. Everyone enjoyed the taco zucchini boats!!

Band and I headed back out, she grabbed KD who we found had a blood pocket under her frog. I trimmed her up and B rasped smooth then put a poultice on her foot and wrapped it up. Good thing we have Dr B! Roo and Switch were the last 2 of the day with all 6 done in one day. THANKS to my apprentice B, she is such a help!

not sure what caused this but B pulled a couple of these out that for sure would irritate it more

she flushed it out well

added the poultice pad, wrapped in vet wrap then lite plast

Sheldon loaded his skid steer, moved tractors, grinded stuff, rolled the big doors up and down and made all the noise he could while we were trimming. If our horses aren't bomb proof after all his antics there is something amiss ;) B cleaned up while S and I went looking for a jack he lost off the rake that Shaina, Jacob and I spotted while riding awhile back but no luck.

Time for a shower for us all and a yummy banana, mango, blueberry, zucchini smoothie.

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