Thursday, August 8, 2019

More heat before the rains

Not sure what was up in the night but Lola was on patrol more then needed so I hoofed it out in the damp grass at 4:30 am and brought her inside. Coffee was started at 8:15 as she was let back out. S ran the ranger with the load of small squares down to Sharon taking the ditch route and in short order he, Sharon and Shelby had them unloaded and back. I worked on catching up the blog posts on both blogs.

 photos from Mom's phone from our trail ride

Shaina finally was up around 11 as S headed out to deliver the 2 bales to the river. He was back by noon as I was getting some veggies ready to grill for lunch. Barbequed salmon burgers and veggies were delicious. A quick nap for the prince while we went out to catch horses and ride. He had a seed rep stop while we were conditioning to see why there was no germination this year.

It was a hot one again hitting 29. The egg lady delivered our eggs just as we were heading home. After our ride, Shaina and I hosed and released the horses and headed inside. S was trying to get his weed eater going but needed a spark plug so was off to town. I got to vacuuming the main floor while Shaina showered and prepped her evening workout plans. She was off to town before 5.

S was back with the spark plug and got the weed eater going and heading to the far end of our trees to clear cut weeds. I whipped us up some chicken tacos for supper for his return.

While he caught the football game I went out in the now 30 degree heat to water my pots and a bit of the garden quick. At half time, S went and silicone the storage trailer roof that I found leaking too this spring. They are forecasting rain for a few days this w/e so need to be sure both trailers no longer leak. I went out and gave supplements and hailed in boards around the closest shelter as a few have marks on their sides coming from somewhere they are rubbing. Back inside I wrote a tutorial for the lazy susan, showered and caught a few more Queer Eye episodes.

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