Thursday, August 15, 2019

Lunch with friends

Cappuccinos of course to start my day after birthday wishes to my brother Dale and some marketing. Outside I did a bit of garden work and meds to Pepper. There has been an ever changing very fluid plan to get together with Prissy and today is set to meet for lunch; where yet to be determined. I got ready and at noon I was on the road last minute to meet her in High River for lunch then take in the working equitation clinic going on.

To my surprise, brother Paul was with them and a young polox gal. We had a great lunch and catch up at Evelyn's Memory Lane café. What a quaint little down town area it is. I had a beet salad and cheery lemonade and it was most tasty.

After our lunch we were off to the horse clinic but did not stay long as it was just folks working on elements. They set off to do their things and I was off to Costco in Okotoks to grab some goodies before getting an iced coffee and stopping quick at the thrift store before heading back to the ranch.

I was home about 5:30 to unload and turn A/C on as it hit 27 today. Seeing it was so lovely out I decided to take Switch out for a ride. I also offered her to Shelby to ride in the tournament after her horse (Switch's full sister) got an eye injury. What a great night for a conditioning ride.

Back inside it was time for a cold beer and starting season 2 of Animal Kingdom. Kate, who is staying at Stouts over the summer, popped by around 10 to borrow baking soda for muffins she was making. Hmmm muffin's sound good :)

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