Wednesday, June 19, 2019

We got rain.. and thunder

The wind picked up at 12:40 am waking me and blew in some rain but before 6 thunder began to boom down enough to shake the windows. Rain came down hard not long after!! I decided at 7 I best go close the garage window which indeed was letting rain in. Lola went out too of course to protect the ranch. I perused Instagram and thought maybe she might want back in in half hour but nope so I drifted back to sleep for a bit. The rain had ended when I was awake again at 8 saying almost 4/10ths had come down. This makes me happy for the hay and my plants!

What woke me was KD whinnying allot. I looked and it seemed Pepper and Bird must have went behind the shop to get out of the wind. I kept checking as I made my cappuccinos and did marketing and blog post.

Deciding I would go double check on them and give Bird her gastro I donned my rubber boots and jacket. They were not behind the shop so I hiked over to see if behind the shelter, nope they were NOT in the paddock and no rails were down. This left only one place! Sure enough when I opened the arena man door Bird was waiting inside the door. Pepper however was in the barn with chaos everywhere. He had gotten into the feed room and dumped every tub with only one opening. He had the garbage can and another tub in main area dumped and chairs everywhere on his food search.

I sent them back out the door they came and got busy cleaning. While doing so I heard the door suck open with the crazy wind a few times. This was how they got in; Pepper being the curious cowboy challenge pro had no issues wedging his way in, Bird however only went cause he did. This was what had KD on alert, she was tattling on them ;) I tidied and swept the feed room then locked the gate. the main area was swept clean too before checking the rain gauge (1/2"!!!) and putting halters in the garden shed on my way to the house.

Time for a green smoothie lunch then to the garage to start the antique dresser. First thing after doing a few repairs was to add new casters to make it roll. The tops was stripped first then I decided to do the drawer fronts as well. While it all dried I came in and did accounting.

Then back out to sand it all down with the power sander and hand sanding too. A runner was glued and clamped in place and 2 missing drawer stops added, luckily I had a few from another project. Then it was on to painting the body that pretty new paint color. It looked blue when wet but so much prettier when dry.

clamped up

all sanded

The sun popped out mid afternoon but the wind howled all day. I bundled up and went out to feed & give supplements. I opened the far paddock gate and let them mingle hoping Pepper would get exercise after his feast. Of course I had to walk out and catch Switch and bring her to the food then do the same for Bird but I did get all done and back in the house to cook up a yummy chicken/salad supper.

Marketing, blogging and finalizing details on the custom growth ruler were next on the agenda followed by my work out.

my peonies are dropping leaves ;(

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