Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Bedroom suite gets started

Clear sunny but WINDY day. Cappuccinos were great start to the day as I posted the chair for sale on the sites. In the garage I took the large pot I scrubbed up last night and took to the barn to spray it. I gave Bird her gastrogaurd while out there too.

I brought in the ceramic painted pot and staged a few photos

Time to sand the tops down on the nightstands completely, wipe and paint everything a coat of primer.

B and Cooper arrived before 3, she rode Bird and walked Roo, gave all supplements including Bird's shot then put on Bird and Roo's new fly masks. These girls are decked out with swag. She then cleaned up and was picked up by Grady to go to baseball before 6.

I moved on to the bed frame putting the primer on it. The wind died down a bit so I turned the back flower bed timer on for a bit. This was short lived as the wind swapped directions from coming from the south this am to from the north now.

The basement tropical plant was potted up in its "new pot" and all got fertilizer sticks to boot. I finished just in time for the egg lady to deliver her eggs.

I washed up and tried my new spiralizer and LOVE it. Supper was zoodles with a side of asparagus. Super easy and yummy, grab one at Walmart on sale this week.

My lost paint parcel had arrived at the gate so I hiked there to get it with the dogs in the back blowing wind.

 Roo's new mask

Time to do my workout, thanks to Shaina's videos I hope correctly. I worked on blog writing then ran out to check on Bird's new fly mask. The temperature hit almost 30 again today but was now down to 20 and frigid!! Time to shower and make a smoothie for bed time snack. Britt got home at 10, grabbed her eggs, Cooper, gave a hug and was off.

Bird's new mask
Coop loves my bed

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