Wednesday, May 1, 2019

hay seeded... again, it's May 1

Headache from 4 am on, grrr. Thanks for the bedside coffee service prince. The day was overcast with a hint of sun. I worked on marketing then onto accounting while S headed out and flushed out the water system I tried and it stopped. Sure enough he flushed out MANY more mice. I was starting back on the chair after preselling it this am when he came in for lunch.

Leftovers and some big brown chair time were in order for him and I ventured back out to work on the chair. I took the seat out to sand outside, brrrr. The gal buying the chair also bought the ornate frame and cancelled the group paint class but you never know what comes after right? Back inside I stained the seat and left to dry overnight.

After his nap, S was off to town to pick up seed then pick up the seeder. You just can't take the farmer out of this boy. He was back home at 4, mixed his seed (horse hay & alfalfa), loaded it in and got seeding before 5. (notice Lola's plucking earlier near the sidewalk)

I was giving the horses their supplements when he got back. I had picked them fresh dandelions too with a little bit out outdoors time. The blue chair top was painted and the base waxed while I caught Ellen.

I staged the green chair and will list for sale. If it doesn't sell it will be at our front door as prince says my great grandmas chair is too small for him LOL. I then black waxed the green chair. More pictures were needed.

Still no interest in the refinished dresser, think I will paint it

I ran a snack pack out to the farmer around 6. The chair top was now dry and could be clear waxed.


 I cooked up supper with a yummy salad but was starved so started eating before the farmer came in around 8:30. Once we finished up we watched Game Of Thrones … these last 4 are long ones but full of action for sure.

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