Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Sewing day

Lexi was up just before 8 so I let all 3 out, made coffee and got to marketing a wee bit, Lex managed to wedge herself in the area between the iPad and me ;)

Britt was up just after 9:30 and not long after a coffee she was out administering the 4cyte to the 2 and checking the 2 chiro patients. I hauled out the sewing machine to sew up 2 rips in the horse blankets I was washing up. They were all fixed up with iron on fusing and patches.

Seeing I had the sewing machine and iron out, Britt got her material we found at Walmart a few weeks back for a coupel scrub caps for surgery. She was supposed to be finding a pattern but no luck. I looked for a bit and asked a friend but then got her sketching out a pattern. This was quite a learning curve for her. Eventually we fine tuned the pattern to look good but wanted to try it on some test fabric. Luckily I have a whole box full. I pulled out some blue horse flannel and we cut out our pattern pieces.

the new material and the scrub hat she has to recreate, it is reversible

 here is how it fits

We were just getting started when Amanda and the kids stopped for a visit. They are always fun to have around. Amanda helped with  pressing a few pieces too. After about an hour miss Aislyn was ready for her nap so they were off after 2:30. Our first cap was finished by 3.

Aislyn testing out the scrub cap and visiting with Lexi

 test cap complete

Now onto the new material. We whipped up (B was the ironing lady) this one then found it too short in the head band area so added a bit to the pattern and cut out another in the next 2 colors. This one was now too long so we customized it with a folded back band, perfect and Britt's new favorite.

finished but she felt to narrow on forehead, this was due to double seam

She kindly ran to town to buy us Vietnamese supper. Thanks B I appreciate that.I remembered I double folded the straight edge on the other so taught B how to pick out stitching, another fun sewing task ;) I resewed it too perfection so now she has 3 new surg caps!! What a long and brain gyming day but total success in the end. I guess we can wing it sans fancy pattern.

 all picked out and ready to resew

B helped clean up then she and Cooper were off for home around 7:30. I caught up on messages and a marketing post, made a smoothie then hit the tub to watch more Cheating Death episodes. I noticed a YEG sign and yes this guy is from Canada and guessing Edmonton. I am not sure I am a total believer of all his findings but it does make the mind question some.

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