Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Birthday supper

Prince was up after 5 bustling around showering and heading to the airport. He had a few bonus days off seeing he stayed longer the last rotation. I fell back asleep after he left with a wake up call at 8 from Sharon. A neighbor had found a big white dog and wondered if it was Lola. B had text too but nope Lola was sleeping safely in the garage. I let her out and got a pot of coffee on. Time to stage the tall dresser and give option to sell as is before painting.

It was a lovely sunny day. I headed out to fill water tank for horses and tried Sheldon's new water system. After untangling a pile of hose and getting a sprinkler set up it went for 30 seconds and stopped. After checking a few things I just shut it down and he will have to trouble shoot it when back home.

I opened up the garage doors and hauled out the table saw to cut my new drawer bottoms. I came in at lunch for a tuna sandwich. Shaina has a migraine so via text requested some migraine pills, a tuna sandwich and water along with another run up for peppermint halo. I got back to scrubbing the dresser completely then leaving it to dry well.

She was up later and got things loaded up and off after 3. Not long after a HUGE wind storm blew thru having brown outs with dirt then blew hard for the rest of the afternoon. Perfect weather to stay inside now. I wrote a tutorial for the hemp oil tool box and got it live. I wrote up a couple more but will save for another day to spread them out.

I got ready and was off to town after shutting a blown open tractor door, hauling my plants back in before they were ripped out after 4:30. I dropped a tall stool Shaina forgot at the gym then was off to OJ's to meet Coreena and SHaron for my birthday dinner. I totally forgot to drop off the Etsy parcel and it was closed when we were done at 8. Thanks ladies for the lovely supper. I grabbed a few things at Walmart then got a free tea from Tim's using my customer reward card. Better deal then roll up the rim when you at least are guaranteed one free beverage after 7 purchased LOL

I grabbed the mail on the way home and hauled in my treasures then Lola. TIme to work on the blogs. AT 11 I finally shut it down and crawled into bed. Here are a couple pictures I forgot to share from the family supper we had with the Paetz's.

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