Sunday, March 10, 2019

Spring ahead time

I was awake at 8 but it was actually 9 after the spring ahead time change. I did the usual Instagram sweep then onto marketing. S got coffee on the go after he awoke a bit later and he perused the online news. I put the prizes up to draw folks attention. Hope they are worthy then it was off to the garage to finish the square table with sanding and black waxing. The set is now done and hauled in for pics.

S went out to the shop later in the am  then inside for lunch. I was scrubbing up a set of nightstands and once all scrubbed and left to dry I came in to make salad while he made guac. Nap in the big brown chair for the prince. A -14 start to the day had the sun coming out and warming it up to -6

The nightstands were given a coat of grey. I went to the shop to help S but found he ran to town to fill the truck with gas and look for door parts at all the hardware stores with no luck. I grabbed another chair while out there to do yellow.

He picked up a couple free chairs and small work table for me too while there, thanks. I was in for a cold drink when he arrived back, unloaded them and hooked to the horse trailer before coming in. Roo is being weaned off her meds and is most likely coming home this week possibly tomorrow at the earliest.

Shaina pulled in at 4 and got to work on her program stuff. She did give S a hand to help hang a cupboard section in the shop while I went out and put another coat of grey on.

Hello Fresh #5, mustard and herb crusted pork was my supper project while the two S's perused the net. It was good even if mustard gravy sounded sketchy.

S was off to TV room to watch his Flames, little S was off to shower and relax in her room while I posted the first giveaway then wrote a blog post for the press back chair. I had started a new Netflix show last night called The best home in Australia but tonight after watching another episode found their homes not the best lol.

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